Would a Father really destroy His children for disobeying and arrogance?

by Judas I. 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    Even go so far as to torment them forever?

    How could that ever be justified?

    Would that be also admitting failure as a Father by resorting to that?

    Any thoughts?

  • Highlander

    That's why I never bought into the jw concept of godly sponsored worldwide genocide.

    If I were a father I could never do something so hateful as killing my children for the crime of disobedience. Never!

  • freedomlover

    If a father was WILLING to even offer those options to his children then that's not the father I want.

  • Mulan

    very good reasoning................

    a similar point is, do you require that your children regularly, daily, more than once a day, thank you for virtually everything you do for them?

    Religion is ridiculous..............in my opinion. Sorry if that comment offends those in religions. It's just not for me, and doesn't make sense on any level. Again, it's just my opinion.

  • DHL
    If I were a father I could never do something so hateful as killing my children for the crime of disobedience. Never!

    But JW do so by refusing blood for their kids to save the childs life. How many JW kids have died of that? Is that any better or any different?

    It makes me incredibly angry to know that my parents would have easily sacrificed me on Gods "no blood-altar"! I am so lucky to have never needed blood when I was underaged because my own parents would have killed me without thinking twice!

  • parakeet

    Yes, if he's a PSYCHO DAD!
    According to Christian doctrine, we get punished for being born "sinful," even though we cannot help how we are born. It's doctrines like this one that often make me wonder if the advent of monotheism thousands of years ago was just about the worst thing that could have happened to the human race.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Judas I.

    Seems to me one would need a central nervous system to feel torment/pain. Just never made any sense to me. And it's a relief too know it won't happen.


  • robhic
    According to Christian doctrine, we get punished for being born "sinful," even though we cannot help how we are born. It's doctrines like this one that often make me wonder if the advent of monotheism thousands of years ago was just about the worst thing that could have happened to the human race.

    That sums it all up pretty nicely and simply. We (are supposed to) get punished for something not of our choice. Is this the way the real world works? Would your parents punish you (excessively, too, I might add) for something you didn't do? Or have you held accountable for something your older sibling did years before you were born?

    "Oh, BTW, Johnny, we're gonna punish you very, very severely for the rest of your life for some stuff your older brother did about 10 years before you were born. OK?"

    I don't think any "normal" parent would even have this absurd idea cross their mind!

    And religions in general being the worst thing that could have happened to the human race is a concise summation of a universal truth (OK,at least in my opinion..). Very well put.

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    Would He destroy and torment His son if He betrayed Him?

    Could that perhaps be justified somehow? Even if He did so taking up for his little brothers and sisters?

  • OpenFireGlass

    Yeah, You'de think he would pick on someone his own size... Like when satan rebeled... But no, the bitch has to pick on us little humans

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