Was Eve Perfect?

by Sunnygal41 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sunnygal41

    Wow, you all have done a GREAT job reasoning. This is exactly what I wanted to be able to share with this person. Got to give them credit for having an open enough mind while a JW to even question "sacred WT doctrine". I will be reading this to them tonite, so..........keep em coming!

  • moanzy

    I just thought I would share what my mom told me. She said that they were both made perfect, but Eve was naive with less experience and if she would have CONSULTED with her husband FIRST instead of deciding to eat the fruit herself that Adam could have corrected her thinking.

    So there you go everyone. Another scholarly answer from Jehovah's organisation.


  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    not sure...

    Is yours and Gods definition of "perfect" the same?

  • gumby

    It don't seem to matter to jehovah whether your perfect or not cuz he's STILL gonna kick yer arse if'n you screw up.

    The bible says that even those who have been absolved from sin, washed clean, made new, have a token to heaven, are born again, can STILL have their arse kicked if they willingly trample on the "son" and what he did...... and there is no more hope fer yer sorry arse!

    Eve did worse. She WILLINGLY disobeyed jehovah right after he personally gave her and hubby directions to not eat from the tree of good and bad.

    So....whether your a pre-jesus individual, or a post jesus individual.....jehovah can kick yer arse with no absolute guarantee of eternal life.

    Suppose Eve woulda cried and fell to the ground and begged for jehovahs forgivness. Do you suppose he woulda understood her and given her another chance or two? Would jesus have forgiven her? I bet he would have. But nooooooo! ....not jehovah! He gives them one shot and that's it. He's still an asshole in my book and I don't like the guy.

    I guess none of the dubs who make it past the 1000 year test better not EVER screw up eh? jehovah's got his eraser in his right hand and he's just itchin to erase your name from the 'book of life'

    I say poop on the guy.


  • M.J.

    I'm surprised that no one brought up the obvious paradox--if she was perfect, would she have eaten the fruit?

  • FairMind

    Yes, Eve was perfect! What we must remember though is that perfection as it applies to a woman is different than how it applies to a man. A man's perfection is absolute while a woman's perfection is only relative.

  • Narkissos

    LOL @ Fairmind

    The notion of "perfection" aside, it is more or less the interpretation of the Pastorals (1 Timothy 2:11ff):

    Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing, provided they continue in faith and love and holiness, with modesty.
    This text is most likely reacting to Gnostic interpretations of Genesis (as are still apparent in several Gnostic texts from the Nag Hammadi library), which held Eve to be the revealer of divine knowledge (gnosis) to man, fooling the fake jealous god who created the material world. The Gnostic criticism of marriage and childbearing, and its insistence on surpassing gender differences, offer excellent background for the Pastorals' riposte. It's quite interesting that Genesis could actually be read both ways, offering arguments for both sides.
  • Carmel

    Yes! :Perfectly human! Now, what is perfection? Far as I can tell, we're all "perfect".

    carmel of the "unjointed" class

  • myelaine

    Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.( Luke 11:52)

  • stevenyc

    Another thought regarding the perfection being physical; if they were 'perfect' in the JDub sense, why did they need the 'Tree of Life'?


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