Was Eve Perfect?

by Sunnygal41 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sunnygal41

    Hello, need some thoughts on this one............this question was presented to me last night and I told the person I'd bring it to the forum and get some of our resident scholars to opine on it. The reasoning goes that Eve did not have full knowledge like Adam did, so when she took the fruit, she did so in that context and so, was not perfect, as Adam was.



  • greendawn

    From a biblical point of view she must have been perfect becaue she got some severe sanctioning for eating the forbidden fruit. Had she been less than perfect that wouldn't have happened.

  • stevenyc

    It could also be said that if she were perfect, she wouldn't have falling for the lie. Having perfect intellect.

    Then again, maybe she realised, as a perfect person, that death was preferable to living forever with a planet of Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • Fe2O3Girl

    Do other religions specifically teach that Adam and Eve were "perfect" humans? Is there a direct scriptural reference? Could our resident scholars and mainstream Christians comment?

  • peacefulpete

    The story itself never mentions perfection or inheritable sin. These are later theological conceptions imposed on the story by later writers. There was only crime and punishment. The purpose of the myth was both to explain why death was part of life and to justify male dominance. Eve was not a literal person but rather the stereotypical weak woman given to impulsiveness and disobediance. Many aspects of the character were deliberately drawn from the goddesses of the region and the storyline itself likewise emmulates mythic tales of the gods and their disaggreements about the value of humans.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Lol - Stevenyc

    I'm thinking she MUST have been perfect as she was made from Adam's rib, and HE was created perfect. Adam also ''fell'' for the fruit - trick.. .

    ....I wonder what would have happened if he hadn't? Adam perfect and Eve sinner. Would God have wiped her out BEFORE they had kids? OR would Adam still be alive today, seeing all HIS offspring die...

  • stevenyc

    My understanding of the 'general' principle is that if your particular beliefs are that the Adam and Eve story is literal, then you believe they were created perfect.

    However, there are some discrepancies regarding what perfection means. Generally it means, they had Gods grace / undeserved kindness / gift of living forever either in a metaphysical or physical way. They lost this grace when they gave God the finger.

    Then Christ comes along, metamorphosises and gestates in Mary womb, and is born outside of the cycle of a father who's father's father had given God the finger. He essentially has the Grace. Then dies, without giving God the finger, allowing for the rest of humanity to also obtain that same Grace.

    My advice is, if you take this story as true, then try not to analyse it too closely. Choose a simpler subject like the "granny paradox".


  • Shazard

    What is "perfect" in this context? Like God, like Angels... No!
    Like human? Yes! Has she relationship with God - yes. Was she omnipotent, omniscent - no!

  • LittleToe

    Where does the bible state that Adam or Eve were "perfect"?

    Allegedly after their creation it was all declared "very good", but what does that mean?

  • stevenyc
    Allegedly after their creation it was all declared "very good", but what does that mean?

    LT: It means God gave himself a B+, very good, not excelent.


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