If you could sit down and talk to a loved JW family member.....

by Apostate Kate 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    What do you think would work today to convince them that the WTBTS is not the "only voice of God on earth," the only "true religion," the only correct understanding of the Bible?

    Do you think telling them about the UN, or the false dates, or the pedophile problem would work best? Would you try to shove the Wizards curtain aside? What do you think would work best if you only had one shot at it?

  • freetosee

    When I discontinued my activity I was still living at home, so I had many shots and lots of time. I did not tell them much about my realisations but mainly asked questions demanding researched answers. I was and still am convinced that it has to come from within themselves. Because as a JW I heard and saw apostate arguments and a video. Nothing was convincing to me, I had to learn for myself.

    If I had one shot only I think it is best to ‘win without a word’ just showing that it is possible to have friends and a happy life outside the organisation. I would also relate my personal experience as a JW and ask the same questions which I had and made me think. Like ‘the identifying mark of love’ how it is in reality, the elders their duty and authority in accordance with scripture and love, ‘the generation’ issue and the blame on the brotherhood?

    But much depends on the person and his/her reaction or attitude. It is best to let them come out first and ask questions also let them see you are doing fine without the WTS as that will get them to think.


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Thanks Free....I think that is a good place to start. The questions always forces them to try to think for themselves.

  • greendawn

    My approach is that the GB say that they are God's only reps on earth, so why can't they get anythng right when it comes to doctrine? Even if we make an allowance for imperfection they are till way of the mark.

    But God doesn't work that way if he has reps on earth he will inform them about the true doctrines he will not play games with them, now get this then later change it to that, ad infinitum. We know God is more serious than that.

    Therefore the jw FDS are not God's reps on earth.

  • Honesty

    Ask them why they believe that evil spirits can enter a person but the Holy Spirit can not.

    The WTBTS teaches that evil spirits are disobedient angels and are persons but they teach that the Holy Spirit is not a person although there are more scriptures attributing personification to the Holy Spirit than there are attributing personification to Satan or his disobedient angels.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Thank you this is all very helpful. I am getting ideas together to write my second original presentation for distribution. We are with a new church and the pastor was told about my first speaking presentation I did in Bible college about my JW experience. He asked me to initiate an outreach from the church. I am gathering my thoughts.

    I wish I had the Watchtower CD's. I have collected quite a few WTBTS books and mags but if I had the CD that would be great. If anyone would like to donate anything like an old Watchtower with false claims and such I'd apreciate it. The more original evidence the better.

    David and Kathleen

    PO Box 313

    Yucca Valley, CA 92286

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I have a relatively common genetic defect that is easily rectified in a child.

    In 1968, at 15 years of age, with the support of my parents, I made a very wrong decision based on Balmygeddon happening soon.

    It comes in very handy now.

    "How do you feel about the Truth?" (I am unbaptised)

    I am not restricted to just telling them my story. I can show them the evidence.

    The look in their eyes is enough to tell me I have made a point. You can just see the cognitive dissonance kicking in, especially in the older ones that were raving JWs during that era.



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    ...and before anyone asks...

    My defect has nothing to do with Cecil's (my current avatar) scrotum.

    Sorry girls


  • jambon1

    I have had a couple of big blow outs where I tried to expose the org for what it is. I used transplants/blood/failed prophecy/d/f policy. Because I felt so badly decieved myself I overreacted and it ended up in a fight. This brings no results whatsoever.

    Now I just try and show that I live a good life. I try to show that most people in the world are also good, honest people who also have a level of integrity. I agree with the other post which mentioned trying to `win without a word`.

    JW`s have the strangest look on their face when you inform them that you are happy and living a good life. You dont need to overdo/exagerate your happiness, just be humble and honest. They just cant understand it. If you said that you were miserable, depressed & utterly dejected, sad to say, they would be delighted. It goes with their mentality. We were all like this once.

    By being a decent person (despite own personal weaknesses), you show that the crap you are fed about `the world being in wickedness` is nothing but an exagerated opinion. The more they see that you are not worthy of the death sentance at armageddon the more they will internally question what they believe.

    Its sad for me to see loved ones in such a state of confusion about the twisted beliefs they have been taught but nevertheless it is a necessary process. I was there myself once, not too long ago.

    Time & good living breaks down this thoroughly warped belief system. Unconditional love for all ensures your own happiness whatever JW relatives decide to do.

  • Mulan
    If I had one shot only I think it is best to ‘win without a word’ just showing that it is possible to have friends and a happy life outside the organisation.

    That is what we do. Most loyal JW's will get their defenses up immediately if you even suggest there is a falsehood in their beliefs.

    So, live a great life, be a good person, wonderful daughter, sister, cousin, etc. Be better than they (JW's) are, at taking care of family things. It will confuse them to death.

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