If you could sit down and talk to a loved JW family member.....

by Apostate Kate 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    So maybe an essay written in a basic form showing evidence of healthy happy lives outside the organization would be helpful. Then I could go on to use the Bible to show it does not teach that people are saved by works. I like that idea.

    There are several more papers I want to write, one for Christians to understand more about how to help JWs when they come to the door. It is not enough to say "I have my own religion thank you" when they could, if prepared well ahead of time, be able to help them see that they are being controlled by men, not the God they think is in control.

    I have a really great handout pamphlet called "Danger At Your Door" that I ran off of Witness Inc. Not sure what the address is now. Maybe Witnessinc.com. Last time I visited it had not been updated in years but was still up. This pamphlet is really a good one but I'd like to write one more personal with my contact name on it.

  • KW13

    My mum, in there somewhere is an amazing person.

  • inbyathread

    "Danger At Your Door" can be found at http://firstandlast.org.uk/tracts_lit.html

    There are other pdf tracts that can be downloaded and given away as well. Nicely done.

  • Swan
    What do you think would work today to convince them that the WTBTS is not the "only voice of God on earth," the only "true religion," the only correct understanding of the Bible?

    Do you think telling them about the UN, or the false dates, or the pedophile problem would work best? Would you try to shove the Wizards curtain aside? What do you think would work best if you only had one shot at it?

    My mother is 80 years old. So I wouldn't do any of that. I would just tell her I love her very much, because it would probably be the very last time. Tammy

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Thanks for the link Inbyathread. I ran off hundreds of them years ago and since AOL has crashed several times. When it happens I lose all my bookmarks.

    Swan I understand that. We have to respect our grandparents. I am going to be preparing materials and seminars for Christians and non Christians who are interested in learning more about JWs and how to reach them, both religiously and secularly. The "Danger at Your Door" pamphlet is good for both.

    I think back to when I went door to door and rarely did anyone know exactly who I was or what I had been brainwashed in. Rarely did anyone have anything to say to me that could have helped me out of the clutches of the org. It was ultimatly a Christian who had said a few words to me that helped, but many years had passed without ever being challenged intellectualy, spiritually, or any way.

    Partly due to the fact that as JWs we knew it all. Or thought we did. It would have helped me alot I think to have been challenged by someone who really understood where my head was at as a JW. I want to help prepare people to talk to dubs when the oppurtunity arrises, help them know exactly where a JW's head is at so they can meet them where they are.

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