Illegal immigrants and the increase in JW #’s in the USA

by cyberguy 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    Amos, your area I think is the only one that tows the line then because that was not the case up in Lake County, IL. I think Highlander is correct in the don't ask, don't tell thing but everyone knew. I think over time it came out who was there legally and who was there illegally.

    Again, funny how JWs stand on their soap box preaching how they pay their taxes and obey the laws, all the while knowing that in the next congo (Spanish) it is filled with illegals.

  • freetosee

    The city in which I live experiences much more growth in the foreign-language-field. When I still attended the meetings we had quite a few illegals. One of them was a pioneer and when finally straightening her papers she registered at the unemployment office yet continuing with her job. Later when offered a job by the unemployment office (this happens very rarely) she had to take it or loose the benefits. She complained a lot about this development and discontinued her pioneering.

    It is pathetic how some full-time-servers look down upon the regular members and have no shame ‘in living of the beast’!

    I am happy for anyone fleeing to a country for a better and saver life (if that is what they find), I also worry as they have not many rights. And if they get kicked out one day the WTS can count on them spreading the good news in a country where the work might be under ban. Our elders were also told to leave these matters to the authorities as they are not police.

  • sir82

    You've heard of the "scramble for Africa"? In the 19th century, all the European powers were racing to grab chunks of Africa to colonize and exploit, such that within a few decades after it started, the only un-colonized region on the whole continent was Ethiopia?

    Here in the US, there is a "scramble for immigrants". JWs, as well as other evangelical-type churches, are pulling out all the stops to gather in as many of these millions of illegal immigrants as possible.

    I agree with previous posters, the "growth", such as it is, in the US comes almost entirely from illegal immigrants, some already JWs, others lapping up the message from proseletyzing efforts. But it ain't just the JWs growing by leaps & bounds--it's also the Baptists, the Pentecostals, the Evangelicals...

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