the lion will eat straw like the lamb...

by DannyBloem 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBloem
    your post post made me wanna google,so i put in 'how many carnivores' and got.....

    a sweet page with a pic at the bottom that looks like its come fresh out of a borg publication.

    looks exactly like a borg pic indeed. But it's not a borg site. Does the one that draw those images has two masters?

    Adam, Eve and all the animals were created to eat only vegetation (see comments on Genesis 1:29-30). Nothing died prior to the spiritual fall of Adam and Eve (see comments on Genesis 3:19 and 3:21).

    and goes on to explain why animals were created originally to eat vegetation.....even spiders, web spinning being a useless occupation until after sin was invented.

    if it hadnt had this about neanderthals i'da thought it was a dub site.

    When we look at the teeth of the first humans (Neanderthals) we see that they had larger molars and smaller canine teeth than we do. They had thicker enamel (they would need this if they lived longer than we do), and had well worn third molars, or wisdom teeth.

    this looks like a subject that they keep quite about now. like the 7000 years of the creation days. They know it is not true, but still never really admit they were wrong.

    guess it is the same with vegetarian lians before Adam.

    cant say i've ever seen any neanderthal people in paradise pics. does that mean they wont be ressurected?

    He he he.

    I think they never had any reference to neanderthalers.


  • BluesBrother
    They know it is not true, but still never really admit they were wrong.

    As far as I know, It is still a literal teaching. they have seemed to be going quiet about it in the past but then come back with a statement that clearly shows it to be a literal view.

    Personally I stopped believing it long before I left the teachings. For all the reasons said here, it is just silly.

  • Kenneson

    "The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen

  • dmouse

    Watchtower 1969 9/1 P.543-544
    Questions from Readers
    Some animals have characteristics that seem especially suited to killing, such as lions and poisonous snakes. How can this be, if they were all vegetarians at one time?—L. K.,

    It is understandable that this question might arise, for as things stand now many animals do kill one another for food. But please note that this is as things stand now. Is there anyone on the earth who can say from personal observation how these animals acted six thousand years ago?

    Throughout the earth humans kill animals and eat their flesh. But does man’s ability to chew and digest meat prove that all men eat meat or that men have always eaten meat? No, for God’s Word, the oldest and most reliable history of mankind, shows that originally Jehovah gave man “all vegetation bearing seed” and “every tree on which there is the a fruit of a tree bearing seed” as food. It was not until over sixteen hundred years later that God permitted a change of diet for man, allowing him to hunt animals for food.—Gen. 1:29; 9:2, 3.

    True, those who believe that man and animals evolved over a period of millions of years might not accept this, but it is what the Word of God says, and Jesus Christ said, “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) If the present diet and mode of life of humans does not represent what it originally was, is it not possible that the same is true of animals?
    We must keep in mind that scientists are limited in their knowledge. Even if a man is an authority in some field of animal life, he does not know all there is to know about an animal as it now lives, to say nothing about how it lived thousands of years in the past. Those who are humble and sincere admit this. The very fact that scientists have different opinions proves the point.

    For instance, the question came up as to whether cobras can hear sounds. On

  • gumby

    According to dubs, when Noah came out of the ark, Jehovah "instilled" a fear of man in the animals.( only wild animals and not domesticated animals for some reason). This was so animals would have a chance at not be killed so easily...even though this was Jehovahs plan for man to eat them. Since vegetation was scarce, meat was the only solution for food.

    Evidently....since all animals outside the ark died, this would mean Noah and family had to eat the animals he spared from the flood to re-populate the earth which was two of each kind. Maybe noah and family went hungry for awhile till the animals bred and had babies and noah ate their babies.....heck...I don't know

    Gumby....who thinks they mighta had some beef jerky stashed away somewhere on the boat.

  • dmouse

    Sorry, my cut 'n' paste won't work today. But the upshot of the article is - tigers have big teeth so they can break open coconuts to eat.

  • stillAwitness

    Everyone has valid points! I have heard this argument a thousand times over on JWD but how do you refute the scripture in Isaih???

    Hello...are we forgetting something?? The scripture spells it out plain as day in the KJV as well!!

    I'm sooo confused

  • TD

    The fact that it would even be taught as literal shows what sorry, pathetic "City boys" they (The JW leaders and doctrinal policy makers) really are.

    No animal subsists upon staw.

    Straw is the biologically inactive, dried out stalks of any of a number of cereal grass plants. (e.g. wheat, barley) You use straw for bedding. Although it's true that livestock will eat straw, (Usually out of boredom) It's nutritional value is nil. In other words, while the bull may eat straw, he would die in short order if that is all there was to eat.

    Maybe they are confused over the difference between straw and hay.

    Hay is the biologically active, foliage of any of a number of grasses (e.g. clover, alfalfa) cut and cured as fodder. Hay has substantial nutritional value, to the point of being a staple among domestic ungulates.

  • nelly136

    so they have long tongues so they can wash their nuts before they crack em dm?

  • nelly136

    i did do a double take when i hit the neandethal line db i wondered if it was a spoof of some sort but the rest of it fitted quite well with the kind of explanations i'd got given as a kid.

    gumby dont even start me on the ark thang cos i still wanna know where all the tonnes of poo an pee went.

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