Why isn't everyone allowed to interpert the Bible, and write their own maga

by Judas I. 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    zines about it? Why is the the truth hidden from us...yet revealed to a chosen few? (if it really is.) What makes these people more loved and trusted than us..are we not entitled to the truth? I am not understanding this at all...can someone help me out and convince me I am not worthy to successfully read and understand the bible without an interpeter to guide me? It's like relying on a english teacher to follow me around for the rest of my life so that I can understand everyone. I call bullshit.

    Any thoughts?

    Why is things set up this way?

  • OpenFireGlass

    Hey... this is America... you're allowed to do most anything you'd like... in the name of religion...

  • wanderlustguy

    It's done all the time.

  • Finally-Free
    (Jeremiah 25:27) 27 “And you must say to them, ‘This is what Jehovah of armies, the God of Israel, has said: “Drink and get drunk and puke and fall so that YOU cannot get up because of the sword that I am sending among YOU.”’

    If you want, you can interpret the bible to say pretty much whatever you want it to.


  • lovelylil


    Good question. I am not sure if this will answer you but here are my opinions.

    I have been around lots of "church" people during my life and have acutally attended several types of churches including: Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal, Protestand, and Jehovah's Witnesses. I also looked briefly into Mormons, and Muslim faiths. And have some close friends in the Jewish faith.

    There are literally thousands of different religious books out there interpreting the bible, Koran, etc. so it does get very confusing about what is right, wrong, etc. I actually love studying religion in general and am thinking of going for a degree in this type of area. But here is my observations:

    There are a lot of gray areas in all these religions. Usually the ones who claim they have all the truth in their religion or some "special" knowledge that no one else has, are the fanatics. I believe the bible is for Christians, the Koran for Muslims, the Torah for Jews, etc. You have to read it and find your own anwers regardless of which religion you decide to belong to. Each one will have some basic doctrines you have to accept, such as to be a Christians you usually have to believe in Jesus, his death for our sins and his ressurection. The other groups have basic things too. But there is so much gray area that is open to interpretation. And you certainly are free to interpret those areas yourself.

    If your religion helps you feel secure, lead a better life, has a good influence on you - then I am happy for you. I think that is all that really matters. No one can really say beyond a doubt that what they believe is any better or more correct than anyone else. We shall all just have to wait and see.

    Sometimes humans make things more complicated then they have to be. Most religious people can agree on at least a few things: there is a God, he created all and everyone. I think these are really the only things that matter and we need to realize we are all in the human race on the earth together - all trying to figure things out and live the best life possible. Instead of looking at the things that divide us, like what faith we believe is correct on everything and everyone should join, lets try to view the human race as a brotherhood in itself. And look at the things we have in common with each other and be open minded enough to at least listen respectfully to the other pesons side.

    If you are looking for an absolute right answer - or THE right religion, or THE correct way to interpet the bible, I am afraid you will not find it. God knows I have tried for 25 years already to find an absolute answer. And the only thing that happened was a wound up in a cult! Since many areas and words are open to interpretation - you have to read the bible or whatever holy book you believe and decide for yourself what is true. It is that simple.

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    But how do I know what is true...versus believing something I could be wrong about...or misleading myself?

    Even worse...what if I set out to scare others into believing my (false) truth and following me?

    Does this sort of thing happen often? Would it happen if God revealed HIS truth to everyone?

  • outnfree

    Hi, Judas,

    But how do I know what is true...versus believing something I could be wrong about...or misleading myself?

    This is something I used to worry about all the time. Now that I'm 5 years out of the organization, I tend to be much more relaxed about this. I believe that LOVE is true. I also believe that there's not much chance of misinterpreting Jesus' admonition to love God and to love one's neighbor as oneself. Personally, my way of doing that is to recognize that there is a Creator God/dess and to try to practice being loving in my daily life. Everything else, to my way of thinking, is just "extra" stuff. Another good way to live is to try to practice the "do no harm" tenet of physicians. Living up to these ideals is not easy, but I think the attempt is certainly worthwhile.


  • OpenFireGlass

    Would it happen if God revealed HIS truth to everyone?

    If it helps... I like to twist this scripture when talking to my (dub)mom...

    1 Timothy 5:8 - certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his hosehold, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    what does she say?

  • OpenFireGlass
    what does she say?

    I actually use that to end the conversation... But the topic is usually, What am I doing to show that I love serve Jehovah... then I go on to say that I provide for my house, and if I had to go to 5 meetings & service blah, blah. blah...

    You get the point

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