TomKat: my gut feelings are getting stronger

by Lady Lee 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OK I don't bother much about celebrities and all this craziness about couples getting together and breaking up is more than likely media blown out of proportion but....

    Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes .... something here really doesn't feel right to me.

    We have older man vs young woman

    Clearly a man who has no problem making a spectacle of himself - jumping on the furniture on international TV - she seemed rather shy and subdued

    A man who has no problem voicing his religious beliefs as if he and he alone has the ultimate truth of matters - she not so experienced so follows his beliefs (according to the media)

    Publicly she says very little compared to him who has no problem spouting off and she seems willing to follow whereever his hand takes her

    Young star-struck woman bowled over that one of the biggest stars in the world wants "her"

    Add in a pregancy and baby - the young woman might believe her fate ius sealed and only time will get her the marriage

    He is a devout Scientologist - no idea about her background

    What bothers me about this?

    The potential for an abusive or at least controlling relationship.

    The media now says she has split with the baby and gone to her parents home in mid America.

    What comes next might not be too nice and I hope for her sake she gets all the help she needs to protect herself and the baby

    OK That's it. I've had my say


    Very astute observations. It seems to be a train wreck in the making.

  • under_believer

    I have long believed that she was just Tom's broodmare. It's digusting, the way he's manipulated her. I cannot--CANNOT--imagine him keeping many fans if that turns out to be true.

  • Fleur

    LL, I hope to heaven that it's true she left. I think he's a total psycho.

    I worried about the relationship pre-baby even when she said that as a young girl she'd had a poster of him on her bedroom wall and dreamed of marrying him. I think he "had her at hello" not to painfully paraphrase one of his movies, but the point is that she is love with an image she built up in her pre-teen mind. I'm sure that with his money he was very charming and able to really rope her in.

    I worry for her safety, and the baby too :( Seriously.

    The man's a freak.

    I hope she gets away from him...



  • freedomlover

    I just shake my head whenever I see them together. He seems like he's "scary" behind closed doors. I feel sorry for her mostly.

    At least she'll be able to afford a good counselor whenever she leaves.....(hint - alimony/child support out of this world!)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I've been having these feelings for a few weeks now and had even typed out a post about it but chickened out. After the news blurb I heard tonight about her going home and that he wasn't welcome - I think my worst fears might be more true than I would like

    There is a reason his first wife split with the kids

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    wow I'm so glad I'm not alone in feeling this way. More than once I have been accused of seeing abuse behind every door

  • Fleur

    Oh no, Lee, it's definitely not just you! My husband even said before that he thought she should take off before the baby was born, and that it was such a mistake for her to have a child with him. Anyone with views as way out as his are definitely are a risk for being controlling/abusive.

    If he marries her, this will be his third marriage, btw. He was married to an older woman first, I think her name was Mimi Rogers? (Actress) She I think is the one who got him into scientology. Then he was married to Nicole Kidman and they adopted two children. She said recently in an interview that she still loved him and that the divorce came as a total shock to her.

    I think she should thank her lucky stars.



    Tell me if this isn't odd.

    Back in the day Tom co-starred in a movie called Taps with George C. Scott & Timothy Dalton. It was reaired on Fox Movie Channel last week. In the movie Tom plays a brainwashed squadron leader in a military academy. I found much of his character then to be similar to the way he acts now.

    Life imitating art?

  • under_believer

    Lady Lee, do you have a link to a story about her "going home?" That would be great news to read. I hope she also pooped in his Cheerios before she left. I hope she can get the baby back, but I wouldn't be surprised if the infant is abducted by the Sea Org and ends up on a boat somewhere.

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