What is the Future of the Watchtower Society?

by jwfacts 42 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jwfacts

    sorry, posted in the wrong thread.

  • proplog2

    I don't know if there is a flu going around but my hall was filled on the memorial and during the special talk - but lately they are using up a little more than half the seats. Six months ago you couldn't find any seats in the "choice" back rows. Now - no problem. Even if you come late a family of 4 can find seating in the back (on the sides).

    I attend a white suburban hall. Perhaps the Spanish congregations make up for it.

  • jwfacts

    A lot of people I know reason that as long as they are in the Truf on the last day before armageddon they will be fine. they hang around a bit to keep in touch, and then when the cry of peace and security sounds near they will be back in in force. With that attitude no wonder the halls are half empty, and they will get more empty as time goes on.

  • McKafka99

    What do you suppose would happen if the changes espoused here: http://www.jwreform.org/ would ever come to pass?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    What do you suppose would happen if the changes espoused here: http://www.jwreform.org/ would ever come to pass?
    Mat 7:16You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17 Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruits, nor can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

    Tell me how to prune a thorn bush to make it bear grapes!

  • MissBehave
    billions in assets and little to spend their money on

    What DO they spend the money on? I read a few years back that they made the Top 40 New York Corporations list with an annual revenue of something like $950 million. Now I realize that "revenue" is not all "profit" but obviously they've got a lot of cash as well as assets.

    So where does it go? Are the governing body living large? Who's benefiting monetarily?

  • wednesday

    wow, very interesting discussion. Country Girl, I believe you have hit it square on the nail. Like so many other corporations, they will leave the USA, and have people who are still physically living in the 19th century, basically work as slaves for them. JWS in the usa will support it b/c it wll be god's direction to keep the org going. They will send money backot usa to keep it going here.

    As a jws from birth, I know I would never have left had not they hurt me and my family so bad, we could not stand it anymore. But we were poor,and not able to fight back. the richer brothers don't take shite off anyone, they would never have allowed what hapened to my family to happen to them . The key to really slowing the growth in usa, effect the richer, middle class jws. these people have grown up with "i have rights" and they will be bullied only so far.. At some point, if you hurt their family, they will back off. that is why what is happening at Bethel now, the elite , will have an effect on the org. They will not go quietly into the night, going to boring places to pioneer. They will rail back and yell.. not all but some will. I see a tide of illness developing among behtelites, they may have a new disease.

    The internet is why I'm here today. I had a library but was afraid to be physically seen there looking at books, you never know who works in the library, some jws work there here. .

    We can't put them out of business, just like any good con artists , they will find new and better ways to exploit people. What we want is restriction on religions ability to effect ours lives so much.it is not going to happen here in usa. i myself live in the bible belt.we are going to leave it as soon as we can. i can no longer deal with this stupid mentality.

    The internet can help educate people , books can help educate them. We can't really beat them at their game b/c they have a corp. money, and lawyers. We are out here rubbing two sticks together trying to discover fire.

    If we all keep talking, perhaps one of us, or all of us will fnd a way to their underbelly, and there has to be one, all orgs have one. unless jehovah is indeed protecting them. horrible thought.

  • Konrad West
    Konrad West

    If Jehovah is protecting them, then he's a pretty evil God, and not the sort I'd want to pay any attention to.

  • wednesday

    really i know why. they have a corp. money and lawyers, we are rubbing two sticks together trying to start fire.

    imagine those who are catholics trying to bring down the catholic church.

  • jwfacts
    that is why what is happening at Bethel now, the elite , will have an effect on the org. They will not go quietly into the night, going to boring places topioneer. They will rail back and; yell.. not all but some will.

    Excellent point. Look at who are having the most affect on the Organisation. Randy Waters, Franz, Babara Anderson, Farkel, the ex lawyer etc etc, hopefully me too over time, Mostly ex-bethelites. David Gladdens site has been able to provide incredibly inciteful 'secret manuals' through the efforts of an insider bethelite. The ones that invest the most into the organisation have the biggest incentive to help others not be equally conned. Out of the couple of thousand newly ex bethelites, you only need 10 or 20 with a lot of drive to shake things even more.

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