Who was the first poster that you noticed when you joined JWD?

by JH 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pleasuredome

    littletoe, 'cos i had met him prior joining the board.

    soon got pissed off with seeing a dancing red M&M everywhere though

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    oh yes... how could I forget the other side of the pond


  • wednesday

    JT, Garybuss, randywalters, Francios. farkel, tom tally , lady lee, big tex, nina, valis, dakota red, animal, blondie, bill bowen ,scottergirl, and the group over at animals, shelia and thunder and their group, LDH

    and so many more, so many have posted their experiences and said, things that I was so glad to hear,

  • bem

    First ones I noticed and the most remarkable ones in my memory that kept me coming back to read and learn.

    I feel like I should do honorable mentions since there are some that are in memory but not the firsts to catch my attention and seriously consider the mess jw life was. But I won't

  • LittleToe

    I should add that Randy Watters was the first exJW I contacted, and he helped me immensely. That was prior to me finding this board, however.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Well I haven’t been around for a whole year yet but when I first started posting here the members that I noticed and appreciated the most were (in no particular order):

    Tetrapodsapien: He’s about my age, smart and belligerent toward the WBTS.
    RichieRich: Because the kid is just so damn funny.
    Blondie: Because she’s probably the only poster here who religiously studies her WT.
    Leolaia: Because like Blondie she’s always got the quote or article you’re looking for.
    Almost Atheist: Always a pleasure to talk to.
    Kwintestal: Because he managed to get his disfellowshipped announcement taken back only to follow up by sending an apostate letter to his entire congregation.
    And who could forget
    Defd: The poster I loved to hate. LOL

    Those are just the first ones that jump out at me.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    To answer the title of this topic more specifically, the first poster I noticed when I joined was Richie Rich.

  • ballistic

    The first people I noticed were some of the most awful people on the board, most of whom aren't here anymore. Who needs a board like that. I'm glad some of you noticed so many good posters first off, but I had to do a little digging and apostfests.

  • Mulan

    Most have moved on, either with their lives or to other boards.

    Venice_IT is the one who alerted me to this board.

    The others I really enjoyed were: Englisman, Ozziepost, Safe4kids, Think41self, Maximus, AlanF, Fred Hall who was just plain irritating, but always entertaining, Francois, and lots more.

  • MsMcDucket

    It was Sparkplug! She was having a problem that many mothers on here are familiar with...a messy house and an unexpected visitor. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/20/99600/1.ashx

    She was the first one to welcome me to the board. Then there was HorribleLife, who seems to have disappeared off the board.

    I can pretty much identify with all of the board members that are being shunned by family, that are lonely, and the ones that are sick. Shout out to -- Wednesday!

    I really hate to respond to these topics because I know that I'm going to miss someone who's post that I always read (leave someone out).

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