Going to meet with an elder

by drew sagan 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    The only 2 words I want to say you are: DIGITAL RECORDER.

    lol! I'd do it if I was in discussion with and Elder(s) I didn't have respect for (which there are plenty), but I don't feel quite able to record this particular Elder.

    I, too, believe that this could have profound effect on your friend. Even if he doesn't accept your research, he will have to believe that you are extremely sincere in your decisions and it will pain him to proceed with a JC. The pain will be good for him. It may wake him to the reality of the org.

    I'm actually betting on this alot. I have a feeling he's not even going to want to speak to the other Elders about this. He knows how badly the other Elders will treat me. He knows they are judgemental and will want to bring the witch hunt to full steam. I'm pretty much ready for anything at this point. Thanks for the support guys!

  • jwfacts

    I wish you all the best Drew. Whether it makes a difference or not I agree that for your own wellbeing it is best for the elders to know the real reason you are not a JW anymore. It is not sin, or weakness, or simplemindedness or Satan. You have made a honest heartfelt evaluation of all the facts and know beyond doubt that the Watchtower Society is not directed by Jehovah, does not accurately represent the bible and manipulates its members in the same way all high control groups do.

    You will be Disfellowshipped, so make sure your wife is very clear about that, and reaffirms that she will support you regardless.

    Free Willys questions are very good, though asking a question will not get any response from an elder once he realises you know more than he does.

    I would discuss the claim that the WTS was chosen in 1919, and then list all the wrong teaching from 1919 that show Jesus had not cleansed the organisation at that time - they were worshipping Jesus, they were accepting blood, they thought the last days started in 1799, they used pyramids and the cross in worship. See http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/5min.htm

    Briefly mentions several contradictory doctrine (dont discuss them as the elder will only remember the answers he 'beat' you on. Let him think about them in his own time. Here are some issues

    The word Jehovah does not appear in the NT but the WTS dishonestly adds it to manipulate its doctrine.

    The changes in Blood.

    Then show that the reason JWs so unquestioningly accept what everyone else plainly see as wrong is that it is a high control group. Show Liftons eight identifiers of organisations that use mind control and how the WTS uses every single one of them.

    It wont stop you being disfellowshipped, but who knows, maybe on of the elders will start wanting to look into things more.

    Have you gone through all this information with your wife, it would be good if she was able to leave at the same time as you so you can support each other. The next year will be difficult as you come to terms with the anger and emotions that this process will uncover and you will need every bit of support you can get.

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