Are you far too trusting in other people?

by Elsewhere 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • bem

    Good responses I relate well to this one from Emma very good.

    I tend toward trusting but have been burned enough to be cautious. When I first left the borg and realized not everyone was evil, I had to learn not everyone could be trusted, either.

    And I never tell anything to anyone unless I either want it told <A bit manipulative I know )to others or don't care who is told. Dorothy

  • orangefatcat

    call me niave or guillable, but I trusted everyone and everything that people told me , as I never hurt anyone with malice or disclose their secrets. I could write a book of secrets that I was told over the years.

    As I am no longer in a hurtful organization because of being standered and topic of alot of gossip I decided that I was time to become a little less trusting. It is hard though. I am more apt to see the good in someone rather a bad side.

    Nothing like being betrayed by a friend though. I hope Elsewhere you don't get in heck for what that so called friend did to you.


    is a big cat now, and I don't meow I roar...


  • Angelica

    Far better to have trusted and been burned than to have never trusted.

    I may well be the most trusting soul to be found. I tend to agree that there are far more caring and honest people in the world than otherwise. Yes I have been burned BUT those times can be counted on one hand. This cannot be attributed to youth as I am not at all young (young at heart, though), People, in general, are not as bad as JW's would paint them! I believe that my trusting soul has contributed to my happiness in life and I will continue to believe that. A cynic cannot enjoy the same happiness.It is hard work sleeping, "with one eye open".

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    I am a person of extremes in this regard. At first I have to try hard not to come off as cold or suspicious of new ones I meet. I distrust so strongly. But, as soon as I begin to feel trusting, it is completely. I can get myself in to trouble because of it. I was raised to never trust but my desire is to be trusting. I'm working on balance. someday - maybe

  • Undecided

    Can't remember being betrayed, but can't remember sharing something that could get me betrayed. I can't think of anything I had to trust to someone else. I guess I'm good at hiding my bad deeds, just don't talk about it, or maybe I'm just a good personLOL.

    Ken P.

  • MegaDude


    What compelled you to tell that story to that person?

  • damselfly

    Yes I am. I'm always shocked when someone betrays my (hardearned) trust. I've been warned at work by a co-worker that another co-worker has been going to boss and repeating my conversations with her. Very not happy about that. I'm glad I've been careful about what I tell her!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    In personal relationships I will trust until I am betrayed by someone - then I will start being more cautious with them.

    At work (retail) I have rapidly learnt to trust no-one!! Every customer is a potential shoplifter!! (and if you knew what kind of retail environment I'm in, this comment would raise more than a few eyebrows here lol!) and most sales reps are out to rip me off.

    I would never trust a complete stranger. Trust has to be earned imho.

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