What Exactly Is Your Relationship With Your Family Since Leaving The JWs?

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    "Dead".....how does it feel to be viewed as dead? People know you and just make believe that you don't exist! It's emotional blackmail.

  • Honesty
    Dead".....how does it feel to be viewed as dead? People know you and just make believe that you don't exist! It's emotional blackmail.

    Actually it happened at work this morning in front of 3 new guys. The new guys know me and we are friendly with each other so they thought it very strange that this woman would treat me the way she did. Her demeanor became so, so dub-like if you know what I mean. It was if she had stepped in a big pile of doggy poo when I said "Hello, Julie" to her. Then I had to explain to them that I once was a member of a religion but when a person leaves the group the other members are instructed to shun and ignore the one who leaves. They just couldn't quite grasp how anyone could be so mean to another person for just saying "Hello" to them.

    That Jehovah's Witness woman gave them a lot to talk about because she sure gave a good 'witness' about what the Watchtower is all about.

    I would love to see what happens the next time the JW's come to their doors.

  • cruzanheart

    All of my JW blood relatives are dead (dad, mom and uncle). The rest of my family are overjoyed to have me out of the cult and relatively normal, though we all live very far apart geographically. We keep in touch sporadically and it's just nice knowing they're out there and to wish them happy birthday.

    So I'm lucky in that I don't have any pressure to return to the Witnesses for the sake of family.


  • elliej

    Well, the JW family members all shun us, but they are all total jackass hypocrites, so I would say that is a positive thing, no? In my opinion, my relationship with them has never been more rewarding.

  • averyniceguy

    I still keep in touch with my parents. I have been inactive for years.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Min

    Except for my Dad who's not a dub. I don't have a relationship with those of my family who still remain dubby. The reason is because (as Garybuss put it so eloquently,) they still being dubasses, do not meet the minimum requirements of decency or intellect that is required for them to have audience with me. Long story short is they can go to hell in a handbasket.

    I guess it's not very good is it?


  • HoChiMin

    I'd have to say "convoluted"


  • minimus

    Dis, "dubasses"...I like it! Ho, has no family in the troof. I think he needs to look up "convoluted".

  • lonelysheep

    Now that so much time has passed by and I do not go to meetings or associate with any jw's, my stepmother hasn't talked to me in almost 6 months. So....now I'm back to having no mom, which is what I'm used to.

    She and my stepbrother were the only jw's in my family, and didn't come into my life until I was 18.


    From when my mom died in 1992 till 2002 I didn't speak with my dad at all. I knew his view on what I had done by confessing Christ, so I didn't bother to call him. It didn't bother me in the least. He made his choice and I made mine. In the last letter I wrote to him, I told him that I understood his need to hold to an organization that he had sacrificed so much for, namely, a professional baseball career. However, I was not going to make that sort of sacrifice in my life. I was going to move beyond the petty restrictions of the WTB&TS and the arbitrary control of the Elders.

    Then in 2002, my cousin, who is not a J-Dub called me to tell me that he had a mild heart attack and had a pace maker implanted. I called him, and since then it's basicaly been don't talk about religion. Though he did ask me if I attended Memorial. I responded that I was at the Alex Theater where the Memorial took place, but I didn't think it prudent to tell him of my experience there.

    I think the heart attack has changed his view on things. I don't know what he thinks about the Borg now after nearly 60 years in it, but he sounds tired.

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