Watchtower Rules?

by grissom6471 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    Here's some perspective on the Catholic thing.
    Here's the news story:
    The most important quote for me: "I hope that you all will boycott the film." Hope. A suggestion. Catholics can choose, and many will go see it, and then laugh because they know it's fiction.
    Contrast this to a paraphrase from a recent (within the last couple of months) Watchtower study: "A Christian with a Bible-trained conscience would avoid movies or books containing violence, criminal acts, or sexual immorality, knowing that enjoying such entertainment would be just as bad as associating with people who do these things."

  • jwfacts

    You must be joking!

    Tell me, how many JW people do you know that have a beard?

    How many people have 'priviledges' that are know to have gotten a tatoo recently, or frequent nightclubs?

    Do you know of the over 30 reasons that a person can be disfellowshipped? The majority are not listed in the bible as reasons for shunning, such as where you work, taking blood, smoking, political involvement, talking to a d/f person, oral sex etc.

    My father was reproved as an elder taking me to Indiana Jones 20 years ago and stopped going to the cinema with us as kids.

    The Watchtower used to give very direct guidelines on what can and can't be done, but over recent years settled down a bit on specifically naming things, possibly for legal reasons. But that does not stop them sanctioning people anyway. An elder was absolutely horrified that I went to Passion of The Christ, even though it was one of the most moving spiritual things I had seen.

  • juni
    you remember the nationwide announcement at the meeting telling us not to watch Dateline(Pedophile episode)? Were you a witness at the time? If not, ask anyone who was and they can verify what I said. For me, it was bookstudy night, and they took the time out to read a long letter from the society announcing that Dateline would be running an anti-witness episode full of lies and hate, and that we should not watch it.

    This post by atypical.

    I was out of the org. when they announced that.

    THE TRUTH HURTS DOESN'T IT!! They better get used to it. People want to stay informed and their "rules" aren't going to work w/a lot of people. Thank goodness!


  • mrsjones5

    Hello, McFly, hello - do you remember the nationwide announcement at the meeting telling us not to watch Dateline(Pedophile episode)? Were you a witness at the time? If not, ask anyone who was and they can verify what I said. For me, it was bookstudy night, and they took the time out to read a long letter from the society announcing that Dateline would be running an anti-witness episode full of lies and hate, and that we should not watch it.

    My mother was going to obey the brothers but just had to go get her hair braided that same night of the Dateline episode and wouldn't ya know it her hairdresser was watching that same program. Mother could do nothing just had to grin and bear it. Boy was she miffed when after the program her hairdresser declared she would never let another jw approach her doorway. I wonder why Mom didn't open her mouth and say she was a jw?


  • juni

    Perfect time for your mom to have given a witness. But even the diehard don't know what to say to put a spin on that kind of revelation!! Has she said anything about the program since, Josie?


  • Honesty
    Hello, McFly, hello - do you remember the nationwide announcement at the meeting telling us not to watch Dateline(Pedophile episode)? Were you a witness at the time? If not, ask anyone who was and they can verify what I said. For me, it was bookstudy night, and they took the time out to read a long letter from the society announcing that Dateline would be running an anti-witness episode full of lies and hate, and that we should not watch it.

    I got turned in to the elders for watching it at home on my TV that I bought and paid for with my $. My reply when the Overlords asked me why I watched it.... Because I wanted to.

  • mrsjones5

    We had one conversation about the program, she was highly defensive about the org. We haven't talked about it since.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    Their is major difference between the WT (Governing Body) and the Bible.

    The GB Lords it Over the Flock and they are Masters over Your Faith. Believe. I worked at Bethel Headquarters and was an Elder.

  • Finally-Free
    The Watchtower does not do that.

    Don't they? Funny how I recall talks from the platform telling us not to watch Star Trek, Star Wars, or any science fiction programming because it was demonized. We were told that PG meant "pure garbage", so we shouldn't watch PG rated movies. We were also told we shouldn't listen to rock music, rap, jazz, or disco. They said even some classical music was demonic. Families who didn't have televisions were held up as fine examples™ that all should imitate. We were told not to watch soap operas, read "worldly" novels or magazines.

    The Watchtower Society attempts to demonize essentially everything they don't control. Even when they say something is a "matter of conscience" they still use their buzzword "bible trained". In other words, individual conscience is programmed by the cult.


  • candidlynuts

    the vatican suggests its members dont see da vinci code

    the watchtower bible and tract society demands you see NO RATED R SHOWS or face disfellowshippment

    which one is a rule?

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