Have I changed?

by I-follow-the-narrow-path 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136

    think you'd better cling on to your jw lady friend for grim death cos at this rate hon you aint gonna have any normal real friends left, you'll drive em all away.

  • under_believer

    Again, Elizabeth--the fact that you're asking the question at all gives me a great deal of hope for you. Keep asking those questions. Everything you are doing is exactly what the Society wants you to do, exactly what a "good JW" is supposed to do--but you are coming on here and saying that you aren't sure it's quite right. You're coming on here and asking us if you've changed.
    I think you have. But not so much that you can't recognize that something is off.
    Good luck--keep asking. Keep questioning.

  • katiekitten

    There is no reason why a budhist would enjoy a JW meeting. Just by repeating "you are going to love it" - doesnt mean it will be true.

    He will be love bombed when he goes, because everyone will be like vultures spying new prey. And you will receive MUCH PRAISE for your efforts. This will feel good, will make you feel accepted and happy.

    Dont be fooled. If you werent playing the game, if you were asking awkward questions instead, you would VERY QUICKLY be shunned. If, for instance you asked about doctrine changes (1975, 1914, blood transfusions etc) you would be dropped like a hot potato.

    You have to decide if you want acceptance based on selling your soul to the official party line, or if you want the freedom to study, question and think.

  • Nosferatu

    Honestly, you sound like a pushy salesman who's trying to talk me into a subscription of Seventeen magazine, which I have absolutely no use for. Your ex likely feels the same way.

  • itsallgoodnow
    WHAT would you think about me if you were him?

    Hmm... so you are asking a bunch of ex Jehovies what they would think. If I were a figment of your imagination, I would guess you already know the answer to your question about an imaginary exboyfriend and your imaginary conversation with him.

    Am I the only one not buying into this "chick"?

    Why are you asking this question in the first place? Is there a reason? I mean, besides being an attention seeker? Huh?

  • jstalin
    WHAT would you think about me if you were him?

    I wouldn't want to hang around with you any more. I can't stand hanging out with people who can only talk about one thing, be it religion, cars, or chicks. I especially wouldn't want to hang out with you if all you were talking about is trying to get me to join a cult.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    I would think that your illness is definitely not getting any better, perhaps getting worse, and that you seriously need professional help very soon.

  • limbogirl

    Is this for real? I've read a couple of these posts from I-Follow-The-Narrow-Path and.....really????

  • What-A-Coincidence


    Last thing I remember
    I was running for the door
    I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
    Relax said the nightman Organization
    We are programed to recieve
    You can check out any time you like
    But you can never leave

  • Genesis

    If I was you Ex-Boyfriend I think I would be very disgusted at what you are becoming. They are erasing your personality (brainwashing) with all their KH meetings and love bombing.

    Maybe it is hard to accept but if you do not quit the cult now you are going to waste many many years of your life...

    Like another poster said : Do your homework...

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