Da Vinci book 'shows ignorance'

by William Penwell 42 Replies latest social current

  • rebel8

    What 'shows ignorance' is the outrage and protest about the book/movie, and all this "decoding DaVinci" and finding "errors" in it. The book says on the 1st page it is a work of fiction, lists a few facts, and says the rest is fiction.

    It reminds me of War of the Worlds, the radio broadcast that said right from the beginning that it's a fictional story and repeated that during breaks, while hysteria ensued because ppl took it seriously.

    DaVinci "outrage" seems to me to be a bunch of ppl who want to be mad about something; apparently there isn't enough in the world to get mad at, so they invented something. War of the Words hysteria happened because ppl don't listen to basic facts and are willing to jump on the hysteria bandwagon when others are upset.

    Making it even more ridiculous is the fact that there is nothing new about the ideas in DaVinci, as someone else mentioned.

    I mean if they don't want anyone to see the movie they would be better not to say anything.

    I totally agree; the protesting has promoted the book and movie more than its advertising.

  • heathen

    I was thinking the other night that it is just a mistery how the catholic church didn't come up with their own blood line from jesus mother mary . If they'd have only realized that she had other children besides jesus it could have really made an interesting story . The catholic church has so many unscriptural belief , how can they tell it's not true? LOL They just make it up as the go as well .If you like biblical fiction , mainstream religion is making it up constantly.....

  • Seeker4


    I brought up the Da Vinci painting simply with the idea that it certainly looks like a woman next to Jesus. I agree, it has NOTHING to do with the actual Last Supper - and I wasn't making that point. I see most of the Bible as myth and allegory. Jesus and Mary Magdalene having children? I'm not arguing for that at all! But the idea IS intriguing.

    Sections of the Da Vinci Code that I thought were "right on," as someone questioned me? (Page numbers are from the illustrated edition) The explanation of PHI and the Divine Proportion, around pages 97-102; the discussions of how the church tried to incorporate and negate pagan symbols and ritual, found around those same early sections of the book, along with the discussion of the divine feminine, witches and nature worship; then pages 236 to 244, where there is a discussion of the development of early Christianity. It's not Elaine Pagels' The Gnostic Gospels, but it's a pretty good summation of what likely happened.

    One other thing that I think will help make the book a good movie. I love the series "24," and this book essentially all occurs in just one day.

    A side point: Dan Brown lives not too far from me. He just had to put up a fence around his home. Oh, the cost of fame and fortune! May we all be cursed with a bestseller.

    PS: I'm not a frequenter of DB or DC websites, but does anyone know what the coded "Is there no help for the widow's son?" means? (Check out the book jacket as presented on the DC website.) Is the next book going to pursue the idea that Robert Langdon is a Mary Magdalene descendant? "The widow's son," as it were?


  • jgnat

    I see the evangelical contingent is cashing in on the extra publicity and the public's renewed interest in all things spiritual. Instead of banning the book/movie, they are building on it; sifting conjecture from fiction.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I have no problem with the evangelists or anyone being objective with the Da Vinci Code but in most peoples minds it only goes one way and objectiveness doesn't apply when it comes to the bible.


  • jgnat

    You gotta give the author credit. Our society is ripe for this sort of mystery and intrigue. And what better book to pick on than the bible?

  • plmkrzy

    What I find amusing is that some of you are arguing the gender of a specific face in a painting and then correlating it to actual history.

    Michelangelo's depiction of the last supper would have been interesting. Naked people having a food fight

  • TopHat

    The reviews were midiocre


    XJW - The 'roots' that I refer to are not related to the fact that the story is a fun read, and that's all.

    The 'roots' are, that Jesus, or 'Saviour' was one of many men who tried to liberate the Jews from the Romans. ; But he was not the Son of God. ; He was a man. ; As the Roman Empire lost gradually control of lands, it sought control of minds. ; Constantine, and his mother helped found the Roman Catholic Church and were able to then to begin the new control of the minds, with instead of an army, the Holy Roman Empire/Roman Catholic Church.

    That is the briefest explanation I can give on 'what happened'. ; Basically, generations upon generations of people were fooled into believing a recurring myth in human history. ; A Saviour would come, the result of union between God and a Virgin woman and...vavavom! ; The human race would...in time...because it was always eventually....be saved.

    The Roman Catholic Church held the 'secret' that Jesus was just an ordinary man. ; It discarded information/books/scrolls that would prove this to be so. ; It persecuted and murdered any who thought differently. ; It grew financially into a monster that did not want to lose control of its new Empire...the hearts and minds of men and women. ; It controlled its subjects with a rod of iron. ; It demanded their money.

    If there is only ONE thing that could make you think and doubt, it should be the Virgin Birth!

    I know I've simplified this to the tiniest basics I can give you....but if you want to know more and search for what is far more likely to have happened than the total BS we have all been fed for two milleniums, I can only suggest that you do what I've done. ; Begin reading EVERYTHING you can lay your hands on on , prehistory, ancient history, religious history, (including freemasonry and Knights templar : ) ) ; I mean EVERYTHING!!!!

    Listen to what others have to say with an open mind.

    You may not find the ABSOLUTE truth....but you may find Freedom from nonsense and superstition....and all control. ;

    Then you will find, that you're a good person, not because some religion tells you to be, but because You are a Good Person.

    When that day comes....well, then you will be free and liberated and probably an even better, happier person that you can ever have imagined possible.

    Start reading.

    I found large portions of your post to be arrogant and condescending. However, I am not suprised by that. I am sure that you will ask for examples, but I don't think that would be productive.

    You assume that I did not investigate the truth claims of Christianity before I embraced it as my religion. You assume that I am not educated, and perhaps I am not. I only have a high school diploma, and I am currently working on obtaining my Bachelor's. You can make whatever assumptions you wish to, but just because I believe in God, and profess Christianity, that does not make me nonsensical or superstitious. It is part of what makes me, me.

    I have read a great deal about Grail lore. I have a soft spot for British mythology, but I understand that these are myths, and not fact nor are these truth.

    As far as having an open mind, I do. I am open to the fact that I could be wrong. I am open to the fact that if Jesus' body is ever found and proven to be such, that Christianity would no longer be true, and I would abandon it in a moment. Can you say the same?

  • Hecklerboy

    I find it funny that Christians will get all upset that someone writes a book that puts forth the idea that a jewish man named Jesus might have been married and had a kid.

    But have no problem believing that a teenage girl magically got pregnant by God, gave birth to a son name Jesus that grew up and claimed to be the son of God and healed people. Also believe that he brought people back to life, was killed by the Romans but was brought back to life himself 3 days later and ascended to heaven.

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