How old were you when you were baptized?

by moomanchu 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moomanchu

    Reading hellriders topic made me wonder about this.

    I waited till I was 21 because I was drinking alcohol as a youth and didn't want to get baptized while breaking the law. Man that is screwed up, seemed reasonable at the time.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Seventeen I held out longer than most of my friends

  • serendipity

    I was 18, and just got baptized because my father threatened to kick me out of the house for not setting a good example for my younger siblings. I was in college at the time, and didn't want to lose my free room & board.

  • greendawn

    I was just 18 at the time, but when I realised they were not doing their part towards the baptised I turned inactive after a year.

  • averyniceguy

    I was 18 when I got baptized. If my parents were never in the truth, I would not have taken that step.

  • moomanchu

    By the way my wife was seventeen when she was baptized. I had something to do with that,

    othewise she most likely wouldn't have.

  • loosie

    I was 20. I waited because I didn't want to get disfellowshipped as a teenager.

  • Highlander


    I can relate, I was 19 and didn't get baptized earlier cuz of all the drinking and partying I did as a "young one"TM

    Funny thing was, that all my friends were baptized at young ages such as 14 or 15 yet we'd go out drinking and partying the very weekend after their baptism.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    17. I was extremely reluctant but couldn't explain why. Lots of doubts and unanswered questions I had learned to stop expressing and tried to stuff down inside.


  • free2beme

    21, I had a couple of times at early ages where I came close, but "worldly" issues and friends always caused me to postpone it. When I did, I only lasted a total of six actual years as a baptised Witness. Although, because I was raised around it, I feel I was in for a lifetime.

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