
by I-follow-the-narrow-path 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll


    On the subject of relationships, do you know that your would be JW husband could beat you every night for what ever stupid reason and you would NOT be allowed to leave and divorce him. He could treat you REALLY really badly and they only way that you could end that marriage is if one of you commits adultery. If you try to run away from him and run to a sister for help she'll call the elders and they'll make you go back to him.

    Don't believe me? ask around in this group. there are loads of beaten and abused wives here.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    Well... what if I don't get married?

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    You could stay single.

    Witnesses are encouraged to stay single so that they can spend more time knocking on doors selling magazines. They're also encouraged not to have children "woe to the woman with child" again because having children would take up your time, time that could be better spent knocking on doors selling magazines.

    you're getting a lot of true opinions from this site Elizabeth, stuff you wont hear down the hall. I hope some of it is sinking in as to what you are getting involved of here.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    Yeah.. I am. It is nicer here vs. listening to my friends. My friends just constantly bash the religion as a cult, but they no nothing about the religion. And most of you have been through the organization. :) I really want to have a husband though.. I don't want to be lonely. :(

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Have you noticed how few young men there are down the hall. those that are there will already be dating sisters and in my experience at least 7 out of 10 will leave, fall away or get disfellowshipped before they are 25.

    That doesn't leave many single brothers to choose from.

    Can I ask you something? all of your friends have warned you its a cult, everyone here has warned you its a cult and yet you seem intent on going through with this rather than let down some woman whos doing your study. Why don't you listen to all these people warning you?

    Elizabeth if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck it is a duck !

  • KW13

    Elizabeth, make your mind up on what you want and what you want to do but let me tell you.

    My Stepdad (who is a baptized witness, who wants to be a MS or elder and will probably end up being one) used to hit me, push me around and used the fact that in Jehovahs eyes he's head of household to do it. I had to leave home for a while and at one point hit him back to get it to stop.

    Mum was told, i kept telling her but at first she didn't believe me. She can't leave him (she has said so) because she married him. Even if the Elders would let her, because of the Society her conscience won't allow it. She wants me to go with her to the elders to tell them what Phil has done, if i don't go with her they won't be able to do much because the society prefer/like it out of the mouth of two witnesses (two people).

    i've seen elders steal from work, then instead of gettin the police dealing with it elders disfellowshipped them. That guy could got in a lot of trouble but didn't. The excuse was to "stop reproach coming on Jehovahs name". Wonder how many WORSE and BIGGER things this happened with?

    You'll be under a lot of pressure to move on and progress, giving talks e.t.c might seem fun but before long you'll be brainwashed into a certain thinking, for example encouraged not to speak to ex-jw's. The truth is NOT the Watchtower Society. Since when did Jesus speak of an organization? He spoke of Christians! people who believe in him.

    The witnesses aren't gonna admit all this, i can promise that and will prolly come up with some forms of answers. The members are brainwashed/conditioned. It only takes the repeating of certain things and a few well phrased sentences and suddenly you think YOU thought of it and/or GOD said it, when in actual fact its the Society.

    Your life will not be right if you join and become a witness, LEAVE and walk away, tell them to leave you alone. Yes i admit some nice people are witnesses but its not them, that are the problem. The Society have a lot to answer for and i and many others here can prove they have lied about things, changed things they said in books/mags e.t.c

    The truth is the message/hope jesus gave, NOT an organization.

    (Mark 9:38-41) 38 John said to him: "Teacher, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he was not accompanying us." 39 But Jesus said: "Do not try to prevent him, for there is no one that will do a powerful work on the basis of my name that will quickly be able to revile me; 40 for he that is not against us is for us. 41 For whoever gives YOU a cup of water to drink on the ground that YOU belong to Christ, I truly tell YOU, he will by no means lose his reward.

    That scripture basically shows that we don't need to be witnesses to get a reward (or any other ORG) though churches are good, the witnesses put them down and DO NOT LIKE THEM but there are some nice churches and bad churches. Same as some JW congregations.

    Also read 1Timothy 2:5 which shows what is in our relationship with God. NO SOCIETY!!

    Jesus never belonged to an organization. - That topic has loads of scriptures in to show that God does not have an organization, he works on individual levels with us as people, because he has time for that.

  • katiekitten

    Sweetheart, you are not even 18. You dont need to join a super strict religion to find a husband. Your husband choices will be limited not expanded if you join that religion.

    I was brought up as a Witness, dated seriously at 18 and married at 20 as a good jehovahs witness. My life was a miserable drudge, I had a hangup about sex, it having being forbidden and treated as satans tool all my life until my wedding night.

    My married life as a Jehovahs Witness was this: Pre study for the Tuesday book group on Monday night, Tuesday was the book group, Wednesday night I tried to get a bit of field service in and also pre-study for the Thusday meeting. Thurdsay was the service meeting (2hours) Friday was reading the magazines and preparing for field service on Saturday morning. Saturday evening was studying the Watchtower study and preparing answers for the Sunday meeting (2 hours). Sunday was the meeting and then field service straight after.

    Are you sure this is the married life you want?

    I cracked in the end, deliberately got sacked from my job, deliberately ruined my marriage (although I was suecidal about what I had done) used it all as an excuse to get off the treadmill that was my life as a good Jehovahs Witness.

    I found a good kind man as a partner who was not a JW, and I have a happy normal life now.

    Trust me hunny, you are young, and you will have several opportunities at finding a husband. He doesnt have to be a religious person to be a good person.

  • KW13

    btw i am your age, i am 17 and i've left. i was in it from being about 10 years old. they made my life a misery and i used to feel suicidal, i suffered BAD depression.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    All that time devouted to an organization... are you serious??? I never thought there was that much work. WOW. I wont have time to do anything fun... will I? All I said was that I want a husband :) JW or not... I want a husband

  • KW13

    You will be discouraged from getting a non-jw husband. Infact they'd encourage ya to get a JW one. you could get disfellowshipped (shunned) if you marry one.

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