No, really, this WILL make you laugh out loud!

by sf 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Severus

    IMO thes articles are targeted toward the poor who have no clue what riches or happiness is.

    Cull the poor and promise paradise. Poor suckers indeed.

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    Of course the Borg wants us to avoid anything that could bring us sudden riches or accumulating them. They know we will feel better giving the riches to the WBTS!! Living check to check, serving the borg makes many dependent on them. Don't forget the WBTS in your will!!! To hell with your family, etc. Give it all to the borg. God will bless you.

  • BizzyBee
    Money can also serve "for a protection" against unexpected problems, such as disease or unemployment.—Ecclesiastes 7:12.

    Wait a cotton-pickin' minute...........................! Do you mean to tell me!!?? Money can protect us from unemployment? So, like, money can be a good thing?

    Kinda circular, ain't it? (How about 'education can protect us from under-employment'?)

    LOL! I swear I had to look at the URL to be sure this wasn't a parody.

  • GentlyFeral
    Do you think that riches would make you happy?

    Riches would certainly make me happy happier, because I already have everything money can't buy. A normal-sized living space, for instance, could only improve on this perfection.

    gently feral

  • fullofdoubtnow

    What crap! I don't know how they dare print such things. The wts hierachy are lovers of money themselves, otherwise they wouldn't keep reminding the r&f of their responsibilities re kh upkeep, printing costs, dc and ca costs etc.

    I have much more money nowadays, I get to decide how to spend most of it, and believe it or not, I am much happier than when I was making regular contributions to the wts.

  • Elsewhere

    The other day I was watching CNN and saw Bill Gates lamenting about how he wishes he was not the richest man in the world. Hell, I'd be more than happy to relieve him of his burden... he just needs to cut me a check!

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