No, really, this WILL make you laugh out loud!

by sf 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    Can Riches Make You Happy?

    What is the relationship between money and happiness? Do you think that riches would make you happy?


    I mean, seriously?


    I was trying go through google to look for a specific link on something and knew the WTORGANIZATION WEBSITE had some article I had read about the subject of my search, and I saw this.

    It hit me as hysterical!

    But guess what is even more hilariASS?? Go ahead, guess! LOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!

    ~deep, relaxing.....sigh~

    Okay, I can breathe now.

    Carry on....


  • sf

    Don't forget...A&E (cable): Bible Code Armageddon is on right now.


  • sf

    Here's a clue, page two:

    Another reason why people pursue ever more wealth is that they are beguiled by what Jesus Christ called "the deceptive power of riches." (Matthew 13:22) They are deceived because in these riches that they so ardently seek, they never find the satisfaction or happiness they expected to find. They reason that what limited wealth fails to do, greater wealth will do. So there is a constant striving for more.

    {holds hand over mouth and fights the force}

    This should be stamped on each piece of WT LITTER-ATURE. Right where it asks if you want a BS STUDY.

    LOLOLOL!! TED, YOU GUYS ARE SUCH A HOOT!!! You seriously must admit that you guys up there in New York are having a serious good time writing this crap and watching the sheep scatter in fear. Shame on you!


  • Highlander

    If riches don't make you happy, then why does the 'lack of riches' make you unhappy?

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Whenever that counsel was given from the stage I would lean over and say to my husband ," I'm willing to give riches a try cause being poor sure sucks ! "

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Oh yeah, and did you ever notice the Brother giving the talk about the evil of riches was also the guy that had a big nice house , new suit , newer car ,and took nice vacations . No ? well that's how it's been around here . Something just doesn't add up for me in this area .

  • AlmostAtheist

    What a load of crap. I could almost buy that "striving after riches" might not be satisfying, since striving after anything -- without enjoying the moment and what you actually have -- isn't satisfying. But I'm betting Bill Gates is pretty d@mned satisfied.


  • gumby

    You can become a heartless unhappy bastard with money....and a poor guy can act the same.

    The Watchtower has always pushed the idea that if you all the sudden run into money, you'll kill yourself spiritually because you'll be on the lake every weekend with your new boat instead of going out in service on Saterday peddling magazines and going on donut breaks with other 'living week to week' brothers and sisters.

    This idea implies you'll lose Jehovahs favor because your placing material possesions in place of "treasures in heaven". Your now a rust and moth consumer.

    I guess they figure you can't love Jehovah and enjoy the fruits of life at the same time eh?

    I'll bet 100 bucks the guy on the boat is happier than the guy out in service pissin people off at every door.


  • unclebruce

    I love it whe the Society heads articles with sayings like: "King Solomon knew what makes a person happy. Do you?"

    I sure do brother watchtower:

    Dear Jehovah,

    for my birthday I'd like a huge palace with 600 bedrooms and 1200 concubines.

    Through Jesus Christ amen.

  • heathen

    LOL --- Yah , damnit jim, we're a corporation not a NFP organization .....................

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