Just supposing................

by geevee 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • geevee

    That the mighty WTS fell, that the rank and file stopped swollowing everything they are told and that they called the GB to account and they had to fold.
    What would happen to ALL of the assetts? All those building in brooklyn and patterson and in every other country where they have branches and then all the kingdom halls?
    Would they all get sold and the money divided between the so called active members?

  • ButtLight
    Would they all get sold and the money divided between the so called active members?

    Yeah right!!!!!!!! More like the gb would just keep it all!

  • JH

    No matter what happens, we would never get a penny.

  • jwfacts

    I often wondered about that while i was a bethel, and assumed the publishers would get it.
    I did some research recently, and a non profit organisation legally must distribute the assets to another non profit organisation, such as a charity, the assets are not to be distributed to the members or directors.

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    Hell no!

    We just gave them the money... why in the world would we suppose that we would get anything back?


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Whatever happened to it, I wouldn't be expecting a cheque anyway.

  • geevee

    Thanks for the input. jwfacts, good point, glad to hear that, I'd hate to think that all the nephews and neices of the GB would be able to line their pockets.

  • sass_my_frass

    You've got to accept, that this will never happen. It might completely morph, but it has too much money to fail.

    Even if there was a gradual decline in numbers, any kingdom hall that got sold would be merged with one nearby. The money coming in from sales would keep the headquarters running. Over time they'd move their interests into other profitable ventures.

  • Purza

    Everything is hidden. They would claim bankruptcy and nobody would get a dime.

    What I wonder is -- what would happen to all the rank and file that still truly believed? Would they start a new sect? Would they commit suicide? Hmmmm.


  • Finally-Free

    More than likely it would go to the shareholders of the various Watchtower corporations. These are most likely the ones who attend the annual meetings. Their global corporate structure along with a little creative accounting should make it possible to evade most taxes, and the shareholders would all be well off.


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