What would you do.....

by delilah 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • delilah

    Tonight, my son's school put on an opera. During the second scene, my son was helping the younger grades to step up onto the stage, and one of the girl's costume got caught on the stairs. My son reached out to help her, and the principle appeared, asked what he thought he was doing, and then proceeded to reach out and slap him across the back of the head. My son went up for the next scene, and was crying under his mask, so he kept his head down.

    This woman has had troubles with almost everyone in the school, and even the teachers do not like her. She seeks my son out, to cause him trouble, and he's always been a good kid, likes school, etc. Until she came to the school, in the fall.

    My husband went after her, and she denied everything. What would you do if it was your child? We don't hit our children, we sure as hell aren't going to let anyone else hit our children.

  • serendipity

    She needs to be reported to the superintendent of the school district. It would also help if any other parents came forward with their stories as well. Is this something the Parent/Teacher Association could help with?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    slap him across the back of the head



  • blondie

    I don't know about Canada, but in the US if a teacher hits a student, they are in big doodoo. Someone must have seen her hit your son, even if only several other children. Will they come forward?

    I would go to her superiors and have a chat.

    If that doesn't work, a new school may be the best bet....she is an abuser.


  • delilah

    Serendipity, other parents have got together and discussed their options with her, as she has gone way overboard with so many children. She gets right up into the kids faces and screams at them, but to the parents, when confronted, she kisses a$$, and denies everything.

    There was talk of a petition, but will have to see if anything has begun yet. My name will definitely be on it. My son will likely go to another school in the fall.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Such conduct would be unacceptable in schools in this country as well. I would take it further if I were you. I hope someone saw her do it.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Here in Ontario, it is very very difficult to get any disciplinary action brought against teachers/principals (although the principals are not part of the union anymore). Teachers just get shuffled from school to school, and the problems are very rarely dealt with. There have been cases of parents being banned from school property when they complain about the teachers.

    I'd check with any of the parents that were there and see if they saw it, especially the parents of the child that your son was trying to help. Check and see if any were filming at the time, maybe something was caught on tape.

    I'd definately contact the school board and file a formal complaint.


  • lisavegas420

    Oh no she didn't....I'd be in her face so fast...don't mess with my kids.


  • delilah

    BizzyBee said,"Teachers just get shuffled from school to school, and the problems are very rarely dealt with.

    I'm absolutely sure this is how my son's school acquired this dame. My husband decided after all, to go to the police, just to see what our options were, and he took a statement from my son and then my husband. After my son left the room, he told my husband, "Your son didn't have to pause, in order to think about what happened, he looked me straight in the eye and told me straight up. I believe him" The policeman told my husband to put in a formal complaint to the Board of Education, and the police officer will have a chat with the principle today.

    I'm keeping my son home today, just so he won't be berrated by this witch afterwards. She is going to be really angry now.

    This all happened backstage, but there were enough children around that saw this occur. Not sure if any would come forward, they were in the grade 1 class, and most are very intimidated by this woman. There was no need for her to be back there, she just makes everything her business.She wanders the halls, looking for trouble, and it's usually with the grade 6 class, and my son.

  • AlmostAtheist

    If nothing else comes of it, by taking your son to the police you showed him that you take it seriously, it's important to you that he be treated well, and that you'll deal with it if he isn't. Good on you for doing what you can. You would tend to think that a visit from the police might get her attention!

    Talking to her superiors seems like a good idea, too. Even if there's no witnesses, if this is the 15th "unsubstantiated" complaint, the pattern alone will be telling.

    Slapping a student -- my gawd, that's nuts.


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