Can I share a great experience with you all?

by jonjonsimons 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • jonjonsimons

    Just wanted to pass along a recent experience that has helped open my eyes about many things. I wasn't going to share this with the DB but with all of the crap going on around here lately I thought it might be nice to post something that I found to be uplifting.

    A few of you that I exchange emails with already know that my leukemia came out of remission recently. For the past few and the next several weeks it's chemo time again. The last time I was sick was about 7 years ago and most of my JW siblings and all of my xJW siblings (5 in and 5 out at the present time) were tested for a bone marrow match in case I needed a transplant. Well I didn't need one then, and I hope not to have to this time either. Anyway the point of all this is that the only one of my siblings that was a match is a current JW who lives at Bethel. I spoke to her this past weekend and she told me that if it comes down to it, this time she won't hesitate to fly home and donate!

    Well you could have knocked me down with a feather folks! When she first had the test done years ago and was the only match, she told me that she couldn't be my donor. When I asked her what had changed her mind, she told me that living at Bethel had opened her eyes to many things and one of the things that she saw as wrong was the WT policy on blood. I wasn't feeling that great so I didn't get much time to ask her to elaborate, but we will talk again this weekend since I don't have my next treatment til Monday. I truthfully hope that I won't need to take her up on her offer, but it is a huge relief to know she'll be there if I need her.

    This experience has made me start to think about something that I have had to push into the back of my mind for the last 20 years. I didn't know my younger siblings well because when I was DA'd at 16 my father cut me out of the family. I'm begining to once again hope that I can have at least some of my family that are still JW's become a part of my life again. And no matter what happens with the cancer this time, that really makes it worth it. Unless of course I croak and then I'll be bitter as hell.(hahaha)

    Anyway, I just wanted to pass this along in hopes that it will remind all of us of the things that are really important in life, our health and our families.

    Peace and love to you and yours,


  • LDH
    Unless of course I croak and then I'll be bitter as hell.(hahaha)

    Jon, if you die, I'll kill ya!

    This was the nicest thing I've read all day. I will be saying a little prayer that you will be able to keep the lines of communication open.

    Please keep us updated.

  • uncle_onion

    nice thought for the day!


  • MrMoe

    (((((((((jonjonsimmons)))))))))) I will think about you. Please keep us posted love.

  • alirobbi

    good news/bad news eh? I am so sorry to hear about your leukemia but how wonderful about your sister.**hugs** to ya jonjon. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.


  • Tanalyst

    Living at bethel and spending time in the library with the old books can enlighten anyone.I'm glad your relative saw the lite.

    I wish you the best in your treatments. God Bless You.

  • CornerStone


    Excellent news!

    The bonds of family are important. The org shatters those bonds but our future has not been written so hears to the future. Here, here!


  • dungbeetle

    here's to you JonJon for snatching another victory out of the jaws of the WT. I wish you the best, you and your sister.

    All my prayers, up the crap.

  • Andee

    Hi JonJon,

    I'm sorry to read of the reoccurence of your Leukemia. It's a tough blow. I know, I am a Mama to a kid that whose leukemia is in remission nearly 9 years now. Even after all those years, that fear of a reoccurrence looms quietly in the back of my mind. You "sound" like you have a positive attitude for the treatment road ahead.

    So glad that your sister is willing to be a marrow donor if necessary. It's ironic that living at Bethel she was able to see the error of the WTS blood policy. I am also hoping that you won't need her marrow, but knowing you have her in your corner must be a huge boost!

    Best Wishes to you!


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Please, go talk to a pastor and ask about the plan of salvation. Briefly, if you use a decent translation, go to Romans. 3.23; 6.23; 10.9-11; John 3.3; 3.16,17; 14.6; Ephesians 2.8,9; Rev. 3.20. If you decide to pray pay special attention to Romans 10.9-11 as a basis for that prayer. Feel free to e-mail me, may God be with you!

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