Sagan and anyone who care toreply

by jw 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • jw

    !. Only intelligent replys.

    2.No big bang replys.

    What is your theory on how humans came into existence?

  • mrsjones5

    Why ask if you think you already know the answer?

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Try reading Bill Bryson - 'A Short History of Nearly Everything'.

  • Narkissos
    !. Only intelligent replys.

  • jstalin

    My theory is the only one based on all the current evidence - big bang, expansion of the universe, formation of stars, solar and planetary accretion, abiogenesis, and evolution. This was about a 12 billion year process.

    All the available evidence fits into that sequence of events.

  • justsomedude

    Im with JStalin on this one.

    Hopefully it isnt too off topic, but below is a portion of an essay I wrote about evolution vs creation. I think it sums up my thoughts.


    The winning lottery ticket.

    Something occured to me today. We are all a part of the the most unlikely winning lottery ticket in the history of existence. Its positively mind blowing.

    Raised as I was to see a God as the intelligent creator of the universe, I was constantly in awe of his work. The beauty, the order, the systems that compliment other systems. The fact that if we were closer to the sun, we wouldnt exist, likewise should we be further. The fact we have a so many systems in place to maintain this world. Plants give off oxygen and we give off CO2. The symetry of the whole thing is unreal.

    A funny thing happened though. I lost my belief in the God of my youth. That singular event causes a serious ripple effect in your reality. What you took forgranted one day is something you are no longer sure of the next. The biggest single question mark for me has been our origins. I used to say that the chances of us being here as a matter of chance is impossible. What we perceive as design is just far too magnificent to have come to be by chance. How do you reconcile creation with no creator though? True the moody christian god of my youth may not actually exist, but is there a benevolent spirit that began this miracle that we call life?

    The more that I thought about this, the more I realized that eventually I had to confront the truth about what I had believed and didnt believe. Evolution and Creation begin at the same point, something came from nothing.

    Whether you accept the creation account as recoreded in the bible or not is really immatterial. Intelligent design has to have a supreme being figure in order to work. The simplified reasoning as I eluded to above is that all things exist in such harmnony and are of such complexity that it is not possible for them to have simply just happened. In fact it is insulting to even consider such a possibility. You wouldnt see a beautiful house in the middle of no where and just assume that it came to be by itself, would you? How about a car, could you assume that it just simply came to be? No these things have designers. Designers that were born of human parents, who came from parents of their own, all the way back to Adam and Eve, who were created by God and.. God... Well uhh, God.. um.

    And thats the catch.. You are asked to believe the very logical assumption that we had to have an intelligent creator simply because nothing of lesser complexity than human beings, like Houses and Cars, could have come to be without an intelligent human creator, so how much more so must humans have had a creator. The problem is that as soon as you admit that what appears to be intelligent design had to have been created by a higher intelligence, you expose yourself to the question of "So where did God come from then?". Its a question without end because if we admit that god had a creator, then how much more so must his god have had a creator?

    Creationists would ask you to look critically on the big bang theory with regard to its improbibility, yet ask you to accept with wide eyed glee the thought that the intelligent creator of all things had no origins. I'm not sure that both things dont require a suspension of disbelief without further compelling evidence, but at least one is consistent.

  • james_woods

    In my own case, mom says that she and dad were listening to some Frank Sinatra, and then later smoked a luck strike.

  • jstalin

    Justsomedude - you point out the great logical fallacy of creationists. They attempt to use a faux-logical argument that the universe is so complex that it simply must have an intelligent creator, yet their logic completely fails when confronted with the fact that, applying the same logic, a god-being would also require a creator.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    jw wants to know where humans come from?

    Ok first off i reckon we should start with a short flash film on puberty

    Click------> here <---------

    Don't watch if you're a prude !

  • cyd0099

    Why bother to post our opinions?
    You are just going to throw bible verses back at us and claim we are wrong.

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