How to Get WT Publications

by Broken Hearted 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Broken Hearted
    Broken Hearted

    Okay remember I am non JW so how can i get the WT publications or them on CD or without going to my local Kingdom Hall? Just want to be able to relate to what is being taught and to do my own analyzisis So that when I am having conversations with the JW guy I have fallen in love with I will have My scriptures to back up the publication researched and any questions I have ready?

  • misspeaches

    sometimes you can pick them up at second hand book stores.

  • Athanasius

    Here in California we have Friends of the Library book sales where lots of second hand books are made available for a minimum cost. The sale I attended last month had a number of JW publications in the religion section. Or you could try the Thrift shops they also will have JW books.

  • VM44

    The books show up on ebay, but they are starting to become expensive there! --VM44

  • VM44

    A few months ago I got a copy of the Green NWT at the local Friends of the Library book sale.

    I am glad to have found that, always did like the dinosaur inside the front cover! :)


  • candidlynuts

    ebay has a crapload of jw literature.

  • Severus

    You can download the official WT Library CD 2005 (all publications from the 50's) here:

    On that page are instructions on How to burn an ISO file

  • Jerry1

    Broken Hearted, you might be interested in my experience as i also never was a witness, actually never even been inside a kingdom hall.

    When my daughter started dating my future son-in-law he was "studying" with the witnesses. I had never met or had a conversation with a

    witness so i asked him to give me some watchtowers to read. He brought me a stack about a foot high and i took a few days off from work

    and just started reading. My opinion is that a person like you or me will never understand the JW religion from reading their literature. It is

    all between the lines. Maybe this will help and also folks here can correct me.

    After Jesus went back to heaven people started being saved ( forgiven/born again/had righteousness imputed to them ) pretty much like any

    protestant church person would recognize. After about 1935 years there was only 144,000 of these folks and they are defined as the

    body/bride of Christ. Supposedly it was always God's plan to get these 144k in the fold and then deal with the rest of humanity during the

    millennium. Almost everyone who has ever lived will be resurrected during the millennium to be given a chance to get perfect and so be

    acceptable to God ( devil is bound see ). The 144k ( body/bride/church/congregation/joint-heirs/underpriests/kings etc.) will be in heaven

    along side Jesus because they constitute the Christ ( christ=head and body ). Another word for Christ ( head and body ) is Anointed so there

    are really 144,000 +1 anointed that will dispense salvation during the millenium. In fact this arrangement has been in effect already since

    about 1935. Jesus saves the 144k and then they save everyone else. Jesus is the mediator for the 144k only. Excuse me if you knew all that.

    I really think history is the way to get in their kitchen. They have this idea that at a certain time Jesus wanted to make the arrangement

    official or maybe go public. For centuries it had been the Christian religion to go straight to Jesus for salvation. When it was about time for the

    next step in God's plan He needed to officially appoint his helpers, the anointed. As they say he turned his attention to the Earth or he was

    in a new sense "present", invisibly of course, up in Heaven. He looked down to see who was worthy. Weelll i gona give 2 guesses who was

    worthy. Now the question is when/where/how and who did this happen too, this appointment/approval by Jesus. The scripture they use is

    Matt 24:45 or Luke 12:42. Remember these 2 things cannot be considered seperate, his "presense" and their being approved or made rulers.

    First they said Jesus was present in 1874 and up until about 1942 but now they say he was present in 1914 and chose them in 1918.

    They ( me too ) believe in heaven. Heaven is a long way off. They believe ( me too ) Jesus is in heaven so how did he communicate the

    choise he had made? was it a booming voice, still small voice, angel, donkey talking, handwriting on wall? Who was the recipient of

    the how, who heard the voice, saw the angel? Where? ( not a biggie but surely a person would note it) When ? 1919 ? well they were saying

    in 1919 that Jesus had been present since 1874 so then someone must have been chosen in 1874. Remember we are only interested in

    what Jesus does not what the organization does. They make mistakes, fair enough but Jesus does not so we are only asking who did

    Jesus approve. Who did Jesus approve, when, where and how did he let that person know? comments? jerry

  • serendipity
    Who did Jesus approve, when, where and how did he let that person know? comments?

    Jesus' approval was a figment of someone's imagination - probably Fred Franz.

  • lawrence

    Jerry1 - Welcome - right on!

    My thoughts...who is this JW guy? Why would he be hooking up with you - "of the world" - a worldling. Then again, you can go to Randy's site - but why don't you ask your boyfriend to ditch his books and the two of you go friggin WILD!

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