Special Field Service Campaign at DA

by limbogirl 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni
    Do Not Let Secular Work Interfere: Concern about jeopardizing one’s employment may be the reason why some did not attend on Friday.


    It's called FAMILIES NEED THE MONEY TO EXIST. Don't they get it??? Wages are not keeping up w/the prices of food, housing, health care, etc. etc. etc. It costs a lot of money to go to these assemblies. And then they're on you to give more money.

    I am so sick of their dictates I could puke -

    I had to vent.

    Juni grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • juni

    limbogirl -

    It was the HAWTHORNE RACETRACK. Not enough food and dirty glass? window to look through. It was the pits.

    Nausea comes over me when I remember those assemblies. 4 little kids to take care of, no provisions for laying down a baby to change diapers, hard seats that weren't meant to be sat in for days, hot and humid, listening to same old stuff and yes why did they have to have a WT study?

    I swear it was a test of endurance not from God, but from the WT org. I must've have been CRAZY to have put up w/that and put my little ones through it. And on the last day, all of the babies crying because they couldn't endure anymore torture.


  • TheListener

    Ah yes, conventions and assemblies of yore.

    If I am ever out out out and free free free I will share some home videos I have of several conventions in the 60s and 70s. It's hilarious to watch them now. I'm sure several here were at the same conventions and it would be fun to find mutual friends and point out people we know (or knew?).

  • damselfly
    I remember doing it in 1985 montreal international assembly

    I was at this one but we didn't go out in service~ we went back to the campsite instead!! As a 9 yr old this option was much preferred.


  • BluesBrother

    When I was a kid there was "Field Service" in the mornings a couple of the 4 days. I am talking in the 60's. Trying to find the territory was the biggest challenge. I don't think we ever accomplished much.

    Hot meals from a tray in a huge tent, Sessions that went on until 9 pm , and having accommodation in somebody's home (a total worldly stranger) Those were the days All sacrificed on the alter of that dread word 'simplification'

    BTW over here my recollections are of chill and rain rather than heat.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Yes I did that in 1978 in St Louis . Then in early 1980's in Milwaukee , Cicero ( Hawthorne Racetrack yuk) and Springfeild IL. NEVER AGAIN

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    JUNI we probably attended the very same conventions !

  • limbogirl

    Juni - I don't know how you did it and survived. My memories of that assembly are somewhat fuzzy but I certainly remember how miserable and uncomfortable all of us were. My mom sometimes fondly reminisces on these events in our childhood which is surprising to me. Perhaps the memory is fuzzy for her as well -- although she's still a super-dub and probably thinks that this is the norm. I'm so happy to be out from under all of this and in a position where I can raise my son in a happy, compassionate environment. The thought of ever subjecting him to some of the things we endured as children is unthinkable to me.

  • undercover
    This was done again in 1981-1986, then it abruptly ended.

    Because after the first couple of times everybody quit sharing in the work and decided to use that day for traveling to the convention site, thus making many of them miss the opening Friday afternoon session. It was better to shorten the convention to three days than try to coerce everybody to show up for a day of service and then an afternoon session.

    I'm sure it was explained that Holy Spirit directed them to drop the Friday service. If that's true then I would have to surmise that Holy Spirit is what caused me to sleep in and not share in the Friday field service.

  • Virgochik

    Juni, you are showing a complaining attitude, murmuring against the things provided! Haha, keep it up! Love your posts! I guess you and I were probably at that hellacious wonderful Cicero race track at the same time. I was probably one of the sullen spiritual teens demurely strolling stomping around! It was too close for us to get a room, but still a long drive, so we got up at dawn every morning to drive, drive, drive to the misery place convention site.

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