GB new members...

by White Waves 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentWatcher

    You have to wait and see what color smoke comes out of the chimalee 25 Columbia Heights.


    LOL at Dismembered.

    actually, I believe the smoke must be blue for a new selection ... to indicate Papa Smurf's blessing!

  • Honesty

    They let the spirit guide their decisions:

  • blondie
  • under_believer

    Fairmind is kidding. I can also attest to the fact that new GB members are not always from the Bethelite pool. Guy Pierce, one of the very newest members, was a circuit overseer in the Portland, OR area just a year before he was on the GB--I know this because he served the congregation I attended.

  • blondie

    So under_believer, was he at Bethel for a short time before his selection was announced. They don't necessarily have to have been there very long, but they are definitely being checked over. You have to remember too that circuit overseers have 2 month retraining sessions, not every year, but frequently. You can rest assured that he had met several if not all of the GB members and spent enough time that they knew he was thoroughly a company man.


  • under_believer

    blondie, I'm certain that he wasn't simply appointed straight out of the field--no doubt you are correct, he was well known and well checked over (certainly, recalled from the circuit work) before he was appointed.
    Definitely interesting, though--to have a guy who I had conversations with and even gone in service with be a GB member only a year or 18 months later.

  • blondie

    Because of my family history, I have met about 10 members of the GB. I was never that impressed...but then I never met Ray Franz until later.

    My family was a founding family in this area...knew quite a few of the anointed....didn't see where they were any more "holy" or closer to "perfection" than us lowly great crowdites.


  • under_believer

    Don't get me wrong--Guy Pierce is a nightmare. This is a man who felt perfectly free to create new doctrine right on the spot, from the platform. I remember disliking his hardcore-edness early on, but what really put me over the edge with that guy was when he declared, again from the platform, categorically with no wiggle room, "any human not baptized will be destroyed at Armageddon."
    He was a real "let God sort 'em out" kinda guy.

  • breeze

    Is there a published list of the GB?

  • free2beme


    1. Brown nose

    2. Be visible, make sure your where people can see what you are doing and remember you.

    3. Be a yes man!

    After this, they see you and appoint you if you have excelled in the above three steps.

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