Do Individual JWs Pay For The Publications They Distribute?

by Joe Grundy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    I had this argument with my parents over whether or not the literature was free. They insist that it is 'Free'.

    However, they tell a story about a local 'poor' congregation that could not afford its literature bill. Two other congregations had to bail that 'poor' congregation out and supply the payment/donation to the WTBTS.

    This to them meant that the literature was free. They could not accept or understand or even want to grasp, that this proved that the WTBTS was just a publishing company demanding payment.

  • james_woods

    Is it possible that the good old WTBTS kind of screwed up when they did the "voluntary contribution for literature" thing? After all - they could have just paid the sales tax on it and kept the pump primed, so to speak...

    It was my recollection way back in the 1970's that they actually charged the publishers say 20 cents for a 25 cent magazine; pioneers were charged maybe 10 cents for the same mag. Don't remember, but I think special pioneers and CO's got them for even less. You were actually supposed to MAKE a few cents when you "placed" this garbage.

    The reality was that most publishers and even pioneers subscribed for far more mags and bought more books than they could ever realistically place and so subsidized the society printing presses. These excess literature items eventually got tossed and the CO would regularly caution the poor pubs against wasting the precious of course we would just dump them on the nearest laundramat reading table.


  • rebel8
    The Central African Republic branch wrote: "This means that anyone, no matter what his or her financial situation may be, can have the necessary printed material to become a disciple of Christ.

    rofl! Apparently I missed the scripture that says you need printed materials to become a Xian.

  • james_woods

    Rebel, that was because there was no printing press for many centuries after the early Christians - and then of couse we all know that guy Gutenburg was a follower of false religion, so his printing press was demonized. So was that of Ben Franklin.

    Therefore, there was no truly "holy" printing press available until about 125 years ago. They were enormous MAN rotaries. But then Jehovah changed them to the offset process.


  • Deleted

    When I was Borg, at the time of New Light of Donations (aka skipping sales taxes), I was the accounts servant in my congo. I remember calculating, and presenting in a service meeting part, that based on usage the congregation was returning only 60% to the WTS compared to when it was directly purchased by the publishers.

    Don't know what that ratio is now.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Do Individual JWs Pay For The Publications They Distribute? Most should pay but many do not pay. The accepted amount is at least 25 cents per issue of the WT or Awake. The hard bound books, small ones at least one dollar or more. Larger pubs are according to your desire to give but no less than five to ten dollars per bound volume or Bible.

    The recent CDs of everything, brothers are encouraged to give as much as possible. Many go for a donation of $50 to $200 per CD as this price is based on the ability of the brother/sister to pay. Beleive me, the "ELDERS" keep a watchful eye on who pays and how much they pay or should I say donate. Now this is all done through the artful ability of conversation and sneakyness or just being damn nosey among the flock.

    Hope this information helps.---KIM

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Thanks very much for all the info. It seems that my neighbours (who strike me as being very conscientious JWs) have probably paid for the stuff they have given me. I suspect that they can ill afford it.

    I remember being struck by extracts I found on one of the sites by WT 'suggestions' as to what the 'appropriate contribution' might be for books, etc. They compared the cost of 'secular' publications.

    I had the thought that if their publications were for sale alongside 'secular' books, just how many would sell? How many would be 'remaindered' for a while, then go for pulping?

    It didn't seem a fair comparison to me.

  • dozy
    Beleive me, the "ELDERS" keep a watchful eye on who pays and how much they pay or should I say donate. Now this is all done through the artful ability of conversation and sneakyness or just being damn nosey among the flock.

    In the interests of fairness and honesty in response to a genuine question, this isn't true - I've been an elder for over ten years in several congregations and I've never seen or heard of this.

    Even though its suppose to be "donations" the congregation are sent a "bill" for how many mags and books they order and this has to be paid for by the cong or they dont get their order.

    Or so I was told.

    You were told wrong! This doesn't happen either , although most congregations make a nominal contribution each month to the "worldwide work" - in our congregation it is about £20 ($35). It is announced every month during the accounts report.

    It is no secret that the funds the WTS used to get from the old system of paying for literature has reduced - presumably this has been reflected in the "cutbacks" like the softback covers on bound volumes , the monthly Awake , layoffs at Bethel etc. Personally I think that it is only fair to contribute on a "no profit" basis for the literature that my family takes - I have roughly calculated how much we use each year , what the WTS costs would be (rather than the commercial retail price) and have a "Gift Aid" standing order to London.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim


    I respect your reply and opinion. However, many of the problems associated with the WTB&TS can be and IS caused by the actions or inactions of the Elders. That is a fact! MANY problems could be taken care of and CHANGES could be made IF the Elders and other leadership were more realistic and honest for everybody concerned!

  • dozy
    However, many of the problems associated with the WTB&TS can be and IS caused by the actions or inactions of the Elders. That is a fact! MANY problems could be taken care of and CHANGES could be made IF the Elders and other leadership were more realistic and honest for everybody concerned!

    I agree to an extent , Mr K. There are some useless elders around. However , it was only when I became an elder that I realised that I was basically impotent (in a figurative sense , I hasten to say .) The real power is invested in the GB - the R & F elder can do very little other than reinterpret the demands of the GB to lessen the burden on the brothers.

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