deceased relatives and visiting in dreams

by snarf 33 Replies latest social relationships

  • HappyDad

    Ten years ago last month, my wife died. Since then I have had some very vivid dreams about her. They were so real that I was sorry to wake up. Seems like most of them end in her having to leave again!

    My daughter has had even more dreams about her mother than I have. The day after the anniversary of her death last month, my daughter called me and told me about her dream. She has had several of the same dream over the years, plus many more. This time my daughter told me that her mother was dressed in a white dress and she looked like she would have been at 10 years older.....with a few wrinkles at the eyes and a litte gray. She said that there was an actual conversation between her and her mother and that her mother assured her that everything in her (my daughter) life would be ok. (my daughter has been through some bad experiences this past year) the dream she said to my daughter that she had to go because she had important matters to take care of. My daughter asked her not to leave but to stay and talk some more. Her mother told her that she really had to go but that she would see her (my daughter) again.

    In the past, my daughter and I have had these "visits" on the same night. From the dreams my daughter has experienced and the ones I experienced I have changed my beliefs (with reservation) about the state of the dead.

    Are these real visitations or our minds wanting to see her so bad that we think the dreams are real? I don't really know what to believe about it except that I and my daughter are happy they happen.


  • Robdar

    *removed by Robyn* Edited to add: Gumbers, I really do not want to talk any more about this experience on a public forum. If you truly want to discuss it, give me a call, since you have my number, and we can talk about this and that other thing you mentioned in the pm you sent me.

  • gumby

    Will do Robyn


  • snarf

    Thanks for all the posts. I know that the drea has given me GREAT comfort in knowing Grandma is happy. I find myself praying for another dream, I just woke up so refreshed, relaxed and at peace with life, I would love to experience it again. Death is one of those inevitable things everyone must go through, sadly. It is nice to hear that there are others that have had similar experiences.

    I was starting to think maybe I just had a wild imagination and should go seek the councel of Psychic Sylvia Browne

  • bitemeWT

    My MIL passed in August.

    I had a feeling that she visited us the night before Thanksgiving. It was probably all the cooking and getting sappy about the next day and I knew everyone was going to be in a somber mood... but I would still like to think that she was there.

    A few months later, I had a very graffic dream about her. I was at a party where they played this game that basically sent you on a wild goose chase. I had to pick between three doors. She was in the one I picked.

    I don't mean to gross anyone out or anything, but her head was detached from her body and she was talking to me. I told her that I loved her and shut the door. I haven't had anymore dreams or felt her "presence" since.

  • free2beme
    My question is, do you believe in visitations of relatives after death?

    Ever read anything or see anything by John Edwards? If so, then you have read someone I think is so far from the truth about spirits that I actually think this man should be arrested for open fraud on the people he charges to buy this crap he dishes out.

    Yet, I do think our relatives are with us at times and come to us when we need them. I just feel that for the most part they cross over and only come close to us on major emotional occasions and at our own death. I do think they sense us on the other side and know how we are doing and at times serve as spirit guides to help us out or to direct us to something we might not be noticing, spiritual signs. I do think they can also converse with us in dreams, and do so sometimes by simply being in the room at times when we are sleeping and our mind is not closed with all the mental blocks we have when we are awake and we remember them and see them, as we feel their presence that we remembered when they were alive in the physical. In time, I sense that some of those who crossed have moved on though to another level or maybe even to live life again. My grandfather died in 1988, and until about three years ago I felt him at times and then suddenly I just felt he went on to something else and entered a new life. His energy just seemed to be missing and I have felt this with others too. Some I think stay in the spirit world for decades of hundreds or thousands of years, if they are complete in their physical journey and others seems to come back more often and quicker. I have read books on the why and how, but this is more of a sense. I should add, I do believe in fate, and chance to me is something we think is possible when we want to ignore the spirit world. Nothing to me, happens by 100% chance. Things have a reason.

  • snarf


    You are so right on. John Edwards is a crack and a con, making money off of people's misery. I too feel that nothing is coincidence, everything happens for a reason, wether it is a life changing event or just a simple lesson.

  • anewme

    No one can say for certain where are the dead or what happens after death. And if someone does claim to know for sure, that person is a crackedpot.

    It is very individual what a person believes and doesnt change a thing in the long run. Believe what brings you comfort to believe in this life. Believe what your own heart tells you is so from your own observation.

    What I think is so, is not necessarily what you think is so, or what the next person thinks.

    My husband, mother in law and myself all believe differently about this subject. Why does anyone need validation for his beliefs which are very personal anyway?

    If someone is trying to "sell" you their beliefs, what is their motive? Why would they do so?

    "Imagine there is no religion" John Lennon wrote, what would you observe from nature and your own experience?
    Thats what I trust. I trust my cat more than preachers nowadays on the matters of God and truth.


  • justhuman

    I believe there is life after death, and somehow there are some ways that the deceased relatives or friends can condact with their dear ones.

    Dreams it is one way of communication, and specially after leaving the WT I have a personal experience that dead peopel gave me some warnings, regarding a person and they came true. In one other occasion I have talked to my dead uncles that they are waiting for my dad and that I should prepare him to meet them. They knew that I was no longer an active JW and they wanted me to tell my father that WT's believes regarding death are wrong. And after a while my father died.

    Just before he died while he was in coma I have seen him in my dreams telling me that he will go, and he will be okey and, that I have a long straggle to do. Before he died I found a book at my dads library with the title LIFE AFTER LIFE and it is from Raymond Rusty, who describes people that had near death experiences. I was very suprised to found this book because my dad he was never reading anything exept the Watchtower magazines. It was just after he had a second heart attack and he was in coma for a month. So I concluded that he had a near death experience.

    I strongly believe that there is life after death, and people on the other side can help us some how

  • Sunnygal41

    I ABSOLUTELY believe that there is more to our world than what we can see! My mom, who is a Witness still, btw, has had all kinds of interesting things happen to her..........dreams, astral travel, OOB's........I think it was interesting that your grandma was young in your visit with her...that kind of tells me that this was more than just a regular dream....... Ter

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