Accepting your mortality sets you free from JWism.

by Spectrum 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breeze

    I have said this in different ways many times on this board......I believe you to be correct...


  • Spectrum

    Van Gogh,

    "Did your realization have anything to do with a certain age you reached, or at what age did you realize this?"

    I don't remember exactly when the realisation set in but certainly ageing, maturing and the accumulation of wider knowledge had something to do with it. Their scaremongering doctrines affected me from the age of 8 to 37/8, so like you, for most of my life my thoughts were skewed from reality. It wasn't until I accepted my mortality that I totally escaped from the twisted idealogy of some 19th century crackpots. VG they worked us over real good.
    Now that I know I'm going to die I can get on with living.

  • Robdar

    I think that you are spot on.

    I think that accepting our own mortality sets us free from lots of other things too.

  • Spectrum


    I'm very impressed and glad that you managed to dodge all those bullets!!

  • lowden

    Hi Spectrum

    I was raised a catholic and then opted for the JW life...then dumped that too. Immortality is a big fat juicy carrot and i firmly, solidly believe that if god ( this is hypothetical by the way) if god turned round and said 'Erm...changed my mind, i'm gonna get rid of you ALL and just be on my own with Jesus. I'm god, i can do that!! So when you die, you die...that's it!!' Well i believe people would go and really let their hair down. Virtually no one would bother with god anymore. I personally don't believe that this life is all there is, but i'm not too bothered about dying and that being that. People serve jehovah or god to live forever and i don't believe ANYONE that says they don't, they are simply lying to themselves.



  • Pole

    Right on Spectrum. Accepting your mortality sets you free from Jw-ism and all sorts of other BS. All those cliche truisms about "enjoying the moment" take on a whole new meaning.

    Here I am at 12.36 PM in my flat in central Poland overlooking vast meadows on the outskirts of my town.
    It's hot. I've just found out that one of the things Anaximenes of Miletus is remembered for is his discovery that breath can blow warm (when your mouth is open) or cold when it's hissed out. I've just tested it and it works, but on second thoughts it occurred to me that it was easier for those ancient fellows to be remembered by the generations to come. All you had to do was come up with some crackpot theory that all matter originates with air. Or water, or fire. Or whatever. Too much competition these days ;-). But there are good sides of being forgotten within three generations or so, e.g. no godddamn biographer will write how many times you've cheated on your wife or that you had a drinking problem ;-).

    Spring in full swing and I'm ready to face death every moment with the gentle music of John Downland performed by some castrated counter-tenor dude in the background. No I haven't been smoking anything other than the breeze of Polish spring. I fully accept my mortality. Thanks for this thread.


  • DanTheMan

    I'm still neurotic as hell over the whole issue


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