JoJo's Story.......

by kittyeatzjdubs 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • What-A-Coincidence


  • serendipity

    Hugs jojo. We're here when you're ready to go on.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


  • kittyeatzjdubs
    May I ask what sparked your interest in the occult? Did you study it seriously? Did you automatically associate pentagrams with the darkside and why (did you invert them or hold them upright?) Do you still have an interest in the occult?

    I was interested mainly because I thought I could learn some spells to squash my enemies and to control everything, such as the weather, my grades, make boys like me, and make my mother let me do whatever i want. It really wasn't for the right reasons.

    luv, jojo

  • LDH

    great story JoJo...keep going.....

  • jojochan


    I hate when they tell their kids this shit:

    I loved/still love and always will, my father with all my heart. And it always hurt me intensly when my mother would remind me that ''he was going to die at Armageddon...enjoy him while you can.''

    My heart goes out to you. It really does...

    And I'm glad you are still here with us.

    I really am.


  • Brigid
    was interested mainly because I thought I could learn some spells to squash my enemies and to control everything, such as the weather, my grades, make boys like me, and make my mother let me do whatever i want

    Aaaah, so you watched "The Craft", I see.

    I found the path as an adult (or it found me) and find it very fulfilling spiritually.

    Well, to each his own. I'm glad you're free and better now, sweetie.

    Love and Light,
    ~Brigid (last time I posted on this thread, the whole site went dead for a while!!!)

  • truthseeker

    Hey JoJo, that was some story - I can only imagine what you went through.

    May I ask a question: Tell us what it was like growing up in Mississippi. Did you go on the river? See crocks? What were the people like?

    I have never been to that part of the country before, but an elder once told me, if you travel anywhere, go on the Mississippi River.

    I read the story (can't remember the title) that Mark Twain wrote about piloting a steamer on the river.

  • cyd0099


    Thank you for sharing with us.

  • cyrus

    hi jojo u had a tough one havent u?but youve come out the other side ,so well done .

    Never let the bad things that happen in your life shape the person you are rise above it learn from those experiences and let them make u stronger .make new friends (REAL ONES)the sort that support you at all times.Even if you only have one true friend that is enough someone who builds you up and makes u feel good about yourself unconditional love .our parents are supposed to give us that but some shouldnt be allowed to own a cat let alone a child .Educate yourself noone can pull the wool over your eyes then .Also when some face probs they self medicate ie alchol smoking ,and taking drugs .Some even use religion as thier opiate and that is just as destructive.Do your best to control your mind and body.dont give it to anyone lightly.

    good luck and these are just my opinions based on my own experience take care big hugs cyrus xxxx

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