Should I go to MI3 even though I find Tom Cruise extremely annoying?

by TresHappy 28 Replies latest social entertainment

  • jojochan
    Sure if you want to kiss $8 bucks goodbye

    At least it's only eight. I spend Ten. Wonder why I hardly go?


  • misanthropic

    ::Are there any scenes where he gets trapped in a closet?

    Yeah last I heard he was still trapped in the closet....

  • Oroborus21

    If you are going to see this pic, and it could be fun, (I really don't think a person's off-screen life should be a big factor unless you are trying to make a political statement) ---then go see it in a big screen theatre, with all of the full crowd.

    This is a total popcorn film and is the kind of film that is only fun or interesting seeing it at the theatre with a bunch of audience yelling and getting excited. Seeing it later after the crowds have died out, at a small screen or at home is going to result in a boring experience.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    damn! AS i was reading this thread the preview to mi came on ... that is your sign to go see it.

  • sammielee24

    Went and saw the film today and it was actually pretty good. Better seen on the big screen because of all the action - but I must say I can't wait for the Da Vinci code and the Poseidon to come to the theater! sammieswife.

  • TresHappy

    My teenager went to see it tonight and he enjoyed it. Don't know if that's a good gauge or not!

  • free2beme

    Rent it later

  • vitty

    Is there anyone who LIKES Tom Cruise anymore. I never have, the only film I did like was " collateral "

  • luna2

    He's been in some good enough films I suppose. I just have a hard time watching something when I dislike the actors in it so much. I hate that he gives stupid SciFiology credit for his successes. Makes me not want him to have any further success...yeah, I know, highly unlikely.

    That stuff about him opening centers for kids with learning disabilities is freaky.

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