I think my parents arent talking to me for good this time

by Es 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee


    Keep your spirits up, don't let their attitude get to you. Back in December I discussed a few things with my mother, how growing up a JW affected me, among other things (her treatment of me etc) and basically let her know I'm not going to attend meetings anymore.

    She flew off the handle, said alot of really hurtful things and said she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. She even rang my brother up and told him she was cutting me out of her will!! LOL

    I told her I was sorry she felt that way, would miss her, but that the decision was hers, and she'd have to live with it.

    I have to say I couldn't believe what a relief it was!!! It was like a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders!!

    It didn't take her too long to come knocking at my door one evening apologizing and telling me she wanted me in her life - even if I didn't want to go to meetings anymore.

    I won't say our relationship is the same as it was before, but atleast we have one (it's kind of a don't ask don't tell situation). She didn't even invite me to the memorial or the special talk so I guess she took me seriously.

    When there are children involved I think sometimes the grandparents soften their stand. They may come around in time.


  • geevee

    The opposite of love is indifference. So by hanging up the phone she still feels something....
    It is stiking me lately, that these are people who tell others [not you] that they love you, but it giong to have to be tough love. Didn't the WT sept 1981 articles on disfellowshipping [the ones that toughened the stand Fred vs Ray] have stories of witnesses with DF relo's who "cut" them off severly, then have the relo make a come back? Tough love isn't it? Yes by taking such a strong stand they believe that it rock your world and make you come back to the faith.
    Little do they know. One day they will be looking for you. They will see that the false prophet, has had them confused with false prophecies all these years, now where will we go, how will we cope in "the world"?
    Don't they read their bibles? 1 Cor 13 says it all. Nothing about "tough love"!
    Take Care Es.

  • mkr32208

    I hope your nan gives her a good beat down for you!

  • anewme

    Yes, truly tragic Es. Im sorry.

    The sooner you concentrate on your own life and let them contact you when they will, you will be better off emotionally.

    My mother abandoned me at 12 years old. I know the pain. I too missed my mother during all the important milestones in my life.

    But life, a successful happy life, can still be yours and your husbands and children. Look to the sun and moon and stars and flowers and trees and ocean and find your mother, your comfort in nature and loving people that come into your life.

    Be of courage.


  • Es

    Thanks all so much for you comfort


  • buffalosrfree

    Make it so, as Captain Pecard use to say!!!, If they don't want to talk do give any info to them, about you, your children, etc. etc. and if your nan is giving them info please ask her to stop, they want to snub you, will let them live with their decision. After all they are the ones who have decided to listen to a publishing company and not thier own hearts. I don't attend meeting anymore or at least only about 1 to 2 times a year just to be with my wife. I tell these people when they tell me "we have missed you" that, that is nonsense you haven't called come around or anything else so why should i believe that you have missed me? that seems to shut them up, so i just don't listen to the bulls**t from them anymore, witnesses whether your parents or siblings don't really care about you, they are more concerned about what their "friends' will think. so let them suffer the consequence of their actions, don't give any info out about you and yours to anyone in contact with them.

  • Es

    so true buffalo


  • MidwichCuckoo

    Being hung-up on is never nice. God knows what your nan thought. Very odd though - your Nan staying at your Mum's house, I imagine she would have asked to use her phone to call you (out of politeness).

    All this is so pathetic. How old is Master Es?

  • Es

    It is very pathetic..... as much as i love my nan she will never stand up for me to my folks she is on my side but silently.

    Blake is 4 years old


  • greendawn

    How cultic organisations mess up families with their lies. They tell parents: don't talk to your children so as to pressure them to return to the org and have their lives saved when the supposedly soon to be armageddon arrives. But this is of course all disgusting lies because no one can be saved through the WTS, a wayward organisation.

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