Were you a BRAT during your family bible studies?

by kid-A 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    I was a monster!!! LOL.....I would always ask extremely difficult questions about the "Troof" to my parents during our "Watchtower family indoctrination hour".......

    My parents often got so pissed off I would sent to my room without supper! My favourite memories of our family watchtower studies involved

    me sneaking in whoopee cushions and making fun of the ridiculous watchtower "artwork" with all the shiny happy people eating mangos and watermelons in

    racial harmony......good times!!! But it paid off being a brat, I never got baptized and I guess my parents knew that was going to be my destiny from the time I

    was 5 years old. Its amazing how early the "fade" can begin for satanic brats such as myself !!!! LOL

  • Virgochik

    I used to get the cat on my lap and pinch her tail to cause an interruption, yawn, refuse to read, push my magazine or book on the floor, crawl around looking for it, etc. I had too many headaches to finish a study, hehe.

  • daystar

    I would never have guessed! You?!

    Heh, I was actually pretty much an angel during all studies and meetings. I started to rebel a litte bit as a teen, but I still actively commented and generally behaved myself.

    I'm still much more reserved in person.

  • schne_belly

    When we HAD "bible" studies ( wasn't a very regular thing with my family) ( not BIBLE studies, instead WATCHTOWER studies) I behaved okay. I just kept counting the minutes until we were done. We would have to sit at the kitchen table in the hard uncomfortable chairs, so I'd have to pay attention and no drinking or snacking on anything....( suggestions from the Watchtower, of course) I figured it out, if I would cooperate, we'd get done sooner!

    If I was lucky, my dad would just study with me and we'd summarize all the paragraphs( he didn't like to study either) HA! We'd be done in 30 minutes flat~!

  • kid-A

    Heh, I was actually pretty much an angel during all studies and meetings.

    NERD ALERT !!!! NERD ALERT !!!!!! LOL.....well at least you're datin' biker chicks now!! LOL

  • rebel8

    I was a brat, but not in the fun way you were. I was hostile. I usually got a nice "spanking" with a wooden spoon afterwards, if you can call a "spanking" something that results in several bruises.

    I recall openly opposing topics such as allowing yourself to get beat up by bullies instead of running away or defending yourself, because the Bible says, "Turn the other cheek so they can beat you on the other one," or whatever. Then all the stuff in the Youth book about puberty, dating, marriage....what can I say...it was so twisted & a part of me knew it at the time.

  • lucky

    It's hard to recall a family study that did not end in tears or at least one of us three kids stalking off and slamming the bedroom door. Not only did we have the FAMILY study, we also had individual personal studies (my mom was pioneering and I think it was an easy way to count time). The only personal study episode I remember having any interest in whatsoever was when I was about 9 or 10 and we studied the "Blossoming into Womanhood" and "Blossoming into Manhood" (or whatever it was they were called) chapters out of the youth book. I remember my mom was disappointed the following week when it was back to the same old boring stuff and I was totally disinterested again.

  • Satan, Bringer of Light
    Satan, Bringer of Light

    When my father tried to assert his authority on me, oppressing my individualism, I told him to shove it. He's not the boss of me.

    He made me, he doesn't own me.

  • daystar
    NERD ALERT !!!! NERD ALERT !!!!!! LOL.....well at least you're datin' biker chicks now!! LOL

    Uh, yeah, damn. I was also one of the quiet ones in school... you know, sat in the middle or back of the class, straight A's, low profile... that is, until I got laid. Then it all went to hell. (Too much crapola goin' on with the biker chick. Had to let her go. Had a blast while it lasted though!)

    Welcome to Satan, Bringer of Light!! Was wondering when you'd finally join the party! Now we just need Phosphorous, Morning Star, Set, and Son of Cain and we'll be a much more rounded out group.

  • EAGLE-1

    I complained that we only had them when I wanted to watch tv which was not very often.Never had them if mom wanted to watch something.Corrupt bastards.Yes I behaved but could multi-task my brain.Daydreamed like hell then answer a couple of questions.

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