Would you fight and possibly die for your country?

by free2beme 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • EscapedLifer1

    The purpose of a soldier is not to die for his country, but to make the other poor slob die for his.

  • trevor
    Shame we can't swap some hard working immigrants for our sponging, trouble making low life chavs.

    Presumably you would not want to fight and die for these low life chavs - because they too are a part of your country?

  • Tea4Two

    Thank You for your very informed reply to my question. However these secret clubs of the Elite have been in existents far longer than the USA, and our times have changed in 230 years into a world our Fore Fathers would not recognize today. I don't claim to have any great knowledge of government or the lluminati and never will. But my cut feeling from reading on the subject is, something is pulling the strings in this world. More than likely the Central Bank. Did you know that we are up to our neck in debt to Japan?

  • AuldSoul
    But my cut feeling from reading on the subject is, something is pulling the strings in this world. More than likely the Central Bank. Did you know that we up to our neck in dept to Japan?

    I feel the same, now. But, I don't think the organized power-play began as early as proposed by modern conspiracy theorists, certainly not before the Industrial Age—the USA was not a world player of significant note until that time. Until that point in history, the US was only important to itself—the US was still considered a rebel colony by the British up until the early 20th century.

    Yes, I know about Japan. And China owns an awful lot of our currency, which causes our currency to devalue as the Chinese currency devalues. Basically, I am very glad that our economy is based on petroleum for the time being. That is the only reality keeping our currency afloat.

    I am also familiar with the largely successful efforts in the 1930s to subject the citizens of this country to the authority of corporations owned by banking interests. But these maneuvers were only made possible by the shifts orchestrated in the balance of powers between the three branches of government. The Legislature allowed the Judiciary to police itself and then proceeded to get itself involved in activities well outside the Constitutional boundaries for the Legislature. The Judiciary has done the same.

    Now the Executive Branch, with the Patriot Act, has authority beyond any envisioned by the founding fathers, up to and including dispensing with habeus corpus on the sole authority of the President.


  • trevor

    The situation in huge countries like America is different to a tiny Island like Britain, including Ireland.There is limited room. As more and more people immigrate here more and more Britons are retiring and moving to other European countries. The Spanish have taken over our fishing industry and many of our citizens are retiring to Spain and taking their money with them. So whose country is it now?

    It is becoming difficult to find reasons to call it ‘our country.’ That may or may not be a good thing and perhaps it never was ’our country,’ but what young people are going to fight for an Island that is inhabited by foreigners, while their parent have take up residency abroad?

    It is likely that in time their children will join their parents and the foreigners will have to fight to keep the country they have adopted. Britain’s youth will be fighting to defend their new home, Spain. Hopefully a united Europe will mean an end to fighting within Europe.

  • heathen
    I would also take up arms against our own government to exercise the reset button built into the Constitution, if the situation warranted. When our government forgets that it exists by and for us, we have cause to remind it—and legal justification for doing so.

    That would be about pointless . They would only fight back using the technology that we paid for anyway . I agree 100% that the government has overstepped it's bounds in regard to the constitution . I think what they do to people over income tax is outrageous not to mention a draft to fight other people wars . They have been getting away with murder for a very long time with little public outcry . They now have the technology and backing to do just about anything they want in regard to tyranny . Now that's the scary part . I get a laugh at how today people expect the president to just slap the hand of the oil industry and tada they drop gas prices . I mean come on people , we have the power to force them to comply thru the house and senate and congress . The presidents job is not to negotiate oil prices . We could also see to it that more refineries are built . It's like people around here don't have a clue as to how the system is supposed to work and will just let the government bully them .

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    I don't trust politics so no I would not fight for the country, but if my life or my families life was threatened I wouldn't think twice about shooting someone!!


  • Tea4Two

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