Disfellowshipped but sister in the 'truth' to be married soon

by cyberdyne systems 101 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Its true there is no garantee that i'll get an invite at all, but she is close to me and made sure she rang me regarding her engagement before the majority of family knew, sounds as though it wont be my loss if I didnt go, really its only for her sake that i'd bother to attend

    CS 101

  • love2Bworldly

    So sad, the life the JWs lead. One day your relatives may be out of the Borg and regret how they treated you during this time of so-called joy.

  • Hecklerboy

    On the flipside. My mother and sister wouldn't come to my wedding because I no longer go to the meeting and was marrying a "worldly" person. Yet they had no problem coming to visit and stay the weekend.

  • tijkmo

    go to the kingdom hall and talk to everyone....dont let anyone spoil your attendance at your sisters wedding...

    i went to a close friends wedding while i was df.....and they asked me to leave...i had arrived early so that i could sit in a corner and not be distracting when the bride came in but i was told that i was making others uncomfortable...like an idiot i did what they asked..but i wouldnt now..its a public event and they dont have the right to make rules

  • sass_my_frass

    Sorry love but you'd best prepare for the possibility that you won't be invited. And if you are, you won't have any fun.

  • penny2

    Aren't these rules annoying!! Your sister sounds like a nice person though. I think you would regret it if you didn't go to the KH.

  • Gadget

    This was a big issue when I got married. The elders tried to call off the wedding 6 weeks before the date because of it. My brother was not df'd, but was known to be homosexual. In the end he and his his partner were allowed to attend the ceremony at the hall and the private family meal in the afternoon, but not the open invatation evening party.

  • Elsewhere

    I was invited to my sister's wedding, however, because I am DAed I was "instructed" to stay in a far corner away from everyone else. Yeah right! I went and mingled among the crowd and if someone wanted to talk, we'd talk. If someone wanted to shun me, they would shun me.

    After the wedding I went to the reception. They were more than happy to accept the $250 wedding gift, but almost immediately after I placed the gift on the gift-table I was approached by my elder dad and some other elders and "instructed" to leave.

    I was not going to make a scene... I simply walked out. On my way out the door my little sister (not the one getting married) asked where I was going. I quickly said "I have to go." as I walked by her.

  • beautifulisfree

    When I was a witness and my younger sister got married. My oldest sister was invited. She had left the 'truth' about 10 years prior and moved away. So, she decided to attend and put the way she was treated by the cong and her family behind her. The wedding was not at the kingdom hall but of course everyone there was a J dub. At the reception people kept coming up to me and my family saying that they had heard my sister was DFed (she wasn't)and if that was true they would feel uncomfortable being there. I was a witness then. But I felt so bad for my 'worldly' sister since she hadn't seen these people for 10 or more years and they were mocking her and talking behind her back. Today, I wish I could go back to that wedding and punch out those little twirps. Wow, I can't believe I was ever apart of that cult!!

  • Finally-Free
    After the wedding I went to the reception. They were more than happy to accept the $250 wedding gift, but almost immediately after I placed the gift on the gift-table I was approached by my elder dad and some other elders and "instructed" to leave.

    This really pisses me off. I suggest that anyone attending a JW wedding consider refraining from putting their gift on the table until they're certain they won't be ejected. Don't leave the gift until you're ready to leave yourself.


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