
by jw 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jw

    What makes people so evil and then claim to be a christian?

  • oldflame

    That's easy A Jehovahs Witness

  • ringo5

    Can you name any evil buddhists?

  • jwfacts

    There are evil people in every religion. There was a show on TV that said about 3% of people are so evil that they can not change.

    It is a good question though, why bother to claim to be Christian if you are evil? I think some people justify that what they do is not wrong, or that God forgives, or that they cant help themselves.

    I know one JW brother that was a real crook, and got d/f for it. He was reinstated but never changed, and has the worst name amongst the business community. But he used to tell me that he had never done anything wrong. Something was missing in his conscience.

  • barry

    Christians just as non christian people are all born in sin its our nature to sin. i once heard the story of a scorpian getting a ride across a swolen river to safety . The scorpian argued with the dog he wouldnt sting the dog and the dog argued back. Finally the dog gave in and gave the scorpian the ride across to save his life and just as they got to the other side surely the scorpian stung the dog. When asked why the scorpian replied 'Its my nature'. And its our nature.

    WE will all be this way haveing a fallen human nature until Jesus comes again when we will be glorified and free from the presents of sin. Barry

  • luna2
    I know one JW brother that was a real crook, and got d/f for it. He was reinstated but never changed, and has the worst name amongst the business community. But he used to tell me that he had never done anything wrong. Something was missing in his conscience.

    I knew one of these guys too. He mystified me. Its hard to comprehend people who have no conscience, but they do exist.

  • mrsjones5

    People who have no conscience are Sociopaths, see below:

    How do you spot a sociopath?
    A sociopath has no conscience, no ability to feel shame, guilt or remorse. Since 1 in 25 ordinary Americans is a sociopath, you almost certainly know one or more than one already. How can you recognize him or her?

    • Sociopaths learn early on to show sham emotion, but underneath they live only to dominate others and win.
    • They have a kind of glow or charisma that makes them more charming or interesting than the other people around them. They are more spontaneous, more intense, complex, or even sexier than everyone else.
    • They crave stimulation and excitement, often showing brief intense enthusiasms that they later drop.
    • They are seductive, encouraging others to take risks.
    • They will tell you that you are just like them. Don't believe it.

  • jw

    How do you spot a sociopath?

    A sociopath has no conscience, no ability to feel shame, guilt or remorse. Since 1 in 25 ordinary Americans is a sociopath, you almost certainly know one or more than one already. How can you recognize him or her?

    • Sociopaths learn early on to show sham emotion, but underneath they live only to dominate others and win.
    • They have a kind of glow or charisma that makes them more charming or interesting than the other people around them. They are more spontaneous, more intense, complex, or even sexier than everyone else.
    • They crave stimulation and excitement, often showing brief intense enthusiasms that they later drop.
    • They are seductive, encouraging others to take risks.
    • They will tell you that you are just like them. Don't believe it.

    Not all Sociopaths are evil.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    First of all we have to put in perspective what a Christian is.

    Matthew 9:13 But go ye and learn what this meaneth, I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners. ASV

    Christians are sinners. They have seen that they are sinners, and have seen their need for forgivness. They are not good people, they are sinners in NEED of a Savior. The best Christian is one who knows this. Not one who thinks they are special because they think they don't sin, go to meetings, go door to door, that is not righteousness, those are works. Those works don't count towards righteousness because the works are not charity.

    Faith without works is dead, correct, but works without CHARITY are dead works.

    James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

    The world being habitual sin. Not anything but JW stuff. True religion is charity in the name of Jesus.

    Truly evil people can hide real well in works oriented religions because it makes it easy to hide. Just go to the meetings, go door to door, don't have to think they tell you what to say. Evil can hide in mainstream religions too, just not quite as easy.

    I love what my pastor friend said a couple weeks ago; "IF I SEE ANYONE ON MY CHURCH BOARD EVEN LOOKING AT ANY WOMAN IN THAT WAY YOU ARE OUT THE DOOR" He said men were not even allowed to look below a womans face, or out they go. If they were not on the board but a church member he was making it clear it was not acceptable behavior and wanted habitual lust to STOP. When you see people working to feed, clothe, shelter and care for the needy, you will not find as much evil. Evil can not pretend to care for that long, before they leave.

  • jw

    I love what my pastor friend said a couple weeks ago; "IF I SEE ANYONE ON MY CHURCH BOARD EVEN LOOKING AT ANY WOMAN IN THAT WAY YOU ARE OUT THE DOOR" He said men were not even allowed to look below a womans face, or out they go. If they were not on the board but a church member he was making it clear it was not acceptable behavior and wanted habitual lust to STOP. When you see people working to feed, clothe, shelter and care for the needy, you will not find as much evil. Evil can not pretend to care for that long, before they leave.

    Boyscout leaders do all that and yet they have ben known to molest boys.

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