Did you ever get "hit" on by someone of the same sex?

by ButtLight 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Once I was at a concert in a park, and a guy came up to me and asked if I was available.

    My answer didn't please him too much....

  • daystar

    All... the... time... Well, not all the time, but pretty much whenever I'm around more than one gay guy in any sort of party type of atmosphere.

    Heh heh... I have a close group of friends that also includes a number of gay guys and they used to regularly check back with me... "gay yet? no?... ... ... now? damn!... ... are you sure?" I had to sick my "girlfriend" of the group on them to assure them that I was not and never would be.

    I'm so straight it's scary. Guys, your hairy asses do not appeal to me in the least, God love ya!

  • ButtLight
    Guys, your hairy asses do not appeal to me in the least,

    Yeah, you better stick to the girls with hairy asses instead!

  • jstalin

    LOL... I wish more guys would hit on me... good looking ones, anyways.

    Anyways, I work in an office full of women. They're always hitting on me... a couple of them are way too friendly.

  • serendipity

    Guy guys like me a lot for some reason, but no lesbian has ever hit on me. But there are a few women at work who stare too long, and I suspect they're gay. Maybe a proposition is forthcoming....

  • ballistic

    Yes... it's quite a long and embarassing story which I posted on an "Are you gay?" thread - thankfully burried in the recesses of this board never to be seen again.

  • ButtLight
    Maybe a proposition is forthcoming....

    Ya never know. Or maybe they are staring cause they are jealous? Or was it the toilet paper dangling out of your pants lol.

  • serendipity

    Hi butt,

    No, the two I have in mind look at me quite intently every time I pass them (separately) in a hallway. I don't think there's anything they could mock about me.

  • lovelylil

    Yes. When I was about 16, a lesbian who lived next door to me asked me out. I just said, thanks but I don't swing that way.

    Then, when I was in my 20's, right before I met my hubby, my best girlfriend and I decided to have a sleep over at her house. Because her husband was away on business. Anyway, after a couple of drinky-poos, she brought up the topic of same sex partners. She then told me she always wondered if I would be interested in her that way, because she found me very attractive. And if she was to experiment, she would want to do it with me. Needless to say, the sleepover ended as I just remembered I had other plans after all.

    It didn't end our friendship though because niether of us ever brought it up again. Aah, the things people say when they had a little too much wine...............our friendship lasted a long time after but then I moved away. My hubby and I have good laughs about this now and then. And YES of course I told him!

  • daystar
    Yeah, you better stick to the girls with hairy asses instead!

    As long as it's peach fuzz, I have no problem. In fact, I think that is pretty sexy in itself. But, like hairy hairy? *shudder* I know, silly, but I rather like girly-girls. They can be tough as nails in personality, but I'd prefer they also french manicure their fingernails.

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