Special Talk 4/30/06

by TooBad TooSad 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Has anyone thought about coping about 50 of these outlines and putting them on the windows of the witnesses when they attend the meeting this Thursday?

    Along the same lines - maybe post them through the mail (prior to the Special Talk, obviously) to a few members of the Congregation, who would probably think they came from within the Organisation (after all, who else would have Organisation 'literature'?)

  • Fangorn

    I can't ever remember a "Special Talk" being in any way special, usually it was deadly dull. The only thing remotely special about it is the fact that the same talk is given in every congregation on that particular day, barring assemblies and such.

  • Elsewhere

    If anyone missed the outline post, you can read it here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/112140/1.ashx

  • Mary
    Greendawn said: The point is that after Franz became a senile vegetable and lost his ability to think the inspiration went out of the GB and everything they offer as spiritual food is the same old boring things so there is nothing special about it.

    Didn't this happen in 1918?

  • 5thGeneration


    Do more...

    Jehovah doesn't need you...

    Jehovah needs you...

    Do more...

    You're not doing enough...

    The rocks could cry out...

    Jehovah needs you...

    Do more...

    You are dust and Jehovah doesn't owe you anything...

    Go in service...


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Greendawn said,

    The point is that after Franz became a senile vegetable and lost his ability to think the inspiration went out of the GB and everything they offer as spiritual food is the same old boring things so there is nothing special about it.

    So the "diet" switched to Spiritual VEGETABLES in due season?

  • Elsewhere
    So the "diet" switched to Spiritual VEGETABLES in due season?

    No, it's more of an extrusion resembling tofu.

  • ?me?

    <div>could anybody upload and post the pdf of the outline on a blank page site.. that way if i link it to some of the "friends " they will not accuse me of steering them towards a "BAD" site, instead i will just be helpful(right?)lol, but the outline out there could cause a ruckus..


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    A "clean" copy of the file can be found at:


    available to anyone who wants it, less than 25K in size.

    Scroll down the page to the banner.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I just printed a few copies up. I will take one to work tomorrow, as I work with a jw, and can make sure she sees it. I will also mail a few out in the morning to former friends, and to the elder who used to run the book study I went to.

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