When you left the JWs did you keep their publications?

by White Waves 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • apfergus

    I'm pretty sure my mother still thinks I'm a "smart boy" and that one day I'll come back to "the truth". I'm also pretty sure this is the only reason she and the rest of the people from the old congregation I still see from time to time will even talk to me. So in order to hopefully keep some kind of relationship with my mother I just left all my copies of the literature wherever they were sitting last time I put them down. I'm pretty sure it's all in a box in the attic now, actually, so it's not like I took it with me when I moved out or anything, though.

  • chipa

    I was cleaning out my old car yesterday afternoon, and I found a Jdub book in the back seat.

    I dont even know what it was, I just grabbed it and gave it to the missus (it was her mums), who knows how long it has been sitting there for.

    I told her off, for leaving it in my car...

  • misspeaches


  • James Free
    James Free

    I have all the old books and stuff. I threw out the most recent, but thought one day I might find a buyer for the really old stuff.

  • noni1974

    I left mine at my Mom and Dad's house when I moved out.This was before I DA ed myself.I have no idea what happened to it.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    All I have is a Bible. It's the only Bible I have ever possessed - I have never read any other translation. Sad eh?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I collect them.

    I am sure it really irritates my wife to organise payment for them when I buy them on the local online auction site, but she has no grounds to object.

    I would love to know what was going on in her head when she saw a 1934 Yearbook in my watchlist on Ebay that had sold for US$255.


  • Lapuce

    I kept a few, but what I do now is try to keep unline versions on CD for my research on the dubs.... so yes the books I do have less then before.

  • sass_my_frass

    I should chuck some of mine. Might see what they get on Ebay! If I could be arsed, I'd go through, highlighting the dumb quotes, and sell those.

  • Crumpet

    I probably should throw mine out - I guess there's a couple of boxes full in teh attic. The large NWT bible acts as a mouse mat, which I felt really gleeful about.

    The magazine folder is a perfectly smoothe flat surface and I can recommend its as mat for rollign up your own ciggies.

    I'm loathe to throw a lot of it as I paid for all of it out of my own pocket when I really couldn;t afford it and had to go without in order to do so.

    Do ebayers actually buy that stuff?

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