
by crazies 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazies

    I think it's high time I do some sort of an introduction. I've been lurking on here for the past 5 months or so, and you guys have helped out a lot. I've posted a few times, but mostly just research I'd done, never really saying anything about myself.

    I grew up a JW (I keep starting to write "truth" then have to catch myself--damn brainwashing) and faded in good standing, but never happier to be out, although I have gone through a little hell with my family and an old old friend, or I should say someone I thought was a friend, but to be honest nothing compared to what many of you have gone through, or are going through.

    I've been out for about 6 months now, 12/2005 was the last meeting we went to, and thank god! I can honestly say I don't miss them!

    About two months before that, one of our fellow posters on here told me his situation, and since he is a close friend I gave him the benefit of at least doing my own research on the points he was making. I thought that if it truly was the truth, it would hold up to being factually true. Well as they say...the rest is history, as we all know it does not hold up, and I found that the points he was making were in all factuallity, real truth.

    I want to thank all of you for your posting, I was able to get a lot of quite a few of your threads, many of your threads helped point me in the right direction to do my own research. I also want to give special thanks to a couple of you that personally helped me out and made our fade almost impossible for anyone else to track in the cong. You of course know who you are.

    I look forward to being more active with all of you on here now that I'm completely "inactive" elsewhere (not that they have my records anymore--).

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Crazies,

    It's nice that you told us a little bit more about yourself. My husband and I attended our last meeting in March of last year. However, we went to the District convention, and Fall special one day assembly last September. The only reason we went to those conventions, is my Grandmother had no idea (she attended a different hall) we were fading. She always went with us to the assemblys after my parents faded. It was almost unbearable to sit there through it all. We felt the same as you, that if it was really truth, then it would stand up to any questioning. After all we should be able to make the same examination of our faith as we were asking of others at the door. Right?? Well, thats all fine and good until you realize its not truely "truth". I too, found so.... much information here. And like you, it helped make my research easier. I still double check EVERYTHING, and take it allwith a grain of salt. But, I finally concluded, "it is what it is".


    Lady Liberty

  • crazies

    I am the same way, I double checked everything for myself, and I'm glad I did, I keep thinking how horrible it would be to still be stuck in there. Not that you know that when your in, but being out it is sure easy to see.

    I do remember the last few meetings we went to, I could hardly keep from laughing at the stuff that was coming out of their mouths on stage, I think those might have actually been the only few meetings I had any fun at! Or at least came home laughing!

    Its good to be free!

  • jwfacts

    Thanks for your story crazies.
    It is amazing that a person can believe it for so long, and then in a matter of a few weeks see through it all. I think the WTS is on very unstable ground now, as people can quickly source the information that makes their whole structure crumble.

  • crazies

    Thanks to the Internet! It really only took me about 2 months from when I first started digging to decide that without a doubt it was a bunch of bs. That was a big 180 though, good old witness to apostate, my world was definatley turned upside down for a couple months.

  • greendawn

    Congrats for your successful fading away from the deception and exploitation of the borg, it is astonishing how they can exploit people's ignorance and weaknesses without them realising that this leech is sacking their blood.

  • ferret


    thanks for your story. I wish we had the internet in 1980 when I left (df'd) it took me five years to clear the cobwebs out of my mind.

  • TheListener

    I'm happy for you crazies.

    In your post you said "we" went to our last meeting. Does that mean others left with you?

    I'm glad you gave your friend the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes that's just what friends need.

    Good luck on your future endeavors.

  • freedomlover

    Crazies -

    So happy to hear how far you've come. I know you've done your research and asked your questions. ;)

    This board and the internet may be helping more than we can imagine.

    cheers to you on your freedom!


  • KW13

    Firstly well done for breaking the ice, its always good to see new folks.

    Amazing how one Org affects so many eh? Hope your research is helpful to ya.


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