Pink slips at Bethel

by beavis 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Downsizing comes at a cost. This method is at least ten years old and doesn't always deliver on it's promises. The WTBTS may find that it accidentally "let go" some key players who are keeping the organization running.

  • cruzanheart

    How absolutely horrible! Why not let the young ones go since they still have a chance at getting a decent education? However, they're keeping the younger ones because they can get more work out of them.

    That is so sad. Once upon a time I applied for Bethel in a fit of zeal and martyrdom but, being a non-penis person, I was not accepted. Best thing that never happened to me.

    I feel really sorry for the ones being kicked out into "Satan's world" to earn a living. And for the congregations that inherit them.


  • ozziepost
    being a non-penis person, I was not accepted

    LOL @ Nina! Good one.

  • Elsewhere
    I applied for Bethel in a fit of zeal and martyrdom but, being a non-penis person, I was not accepted.

    Your mistake was you didn't wear a "strap on" when you applied!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    a contact at bethel told me that a bethelite couple was sent to another branch ...

    so much for downsizing eh?

  • looking_glass

    Wow that is really bad because that would assume that the people they are letting go are lifers. They came in early and have stayed, thinking they would be there till the NS. Isn't there an age limit for entry, like the US military? Isn't like 18 to 30 or something. How harsh is that, to get canned after serving your time and thinking you were going to be there forever.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    In other news, applications for window washers and cracker and cheese men at an alltime high.

  • potleg

    Just another brick in the Watchtower wall...knock em down, kick em out. Be loyal to the organization but don't expect the same in return.

  • cabasilas

    A JW friend who still keeps in touch wrote me this tonight:

    "They are down-sizing severly in Brooklyn, though. People who have been there many years are being asked to leave. Some are being assigned as C/Os, some as special pioneers depending upon experience. Younger bros. are simply encouraged to go home and pioneer. Older ones are being taken care of. The Towers is more or less a retirement home for aging Bethelites."

  • What-A-Coincidence
    They are down-sizing severly in Brooklyn

    best news i have heard all day. Thanks!!!

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