Woman with a flat tire. Would you have stopped to help when you were a JW?

by ObservingTexan 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    Yep I would. I stop and help anyone. I'll even help a bloke which I can't say all men do. (had a man stop to help me once, then drove on saying "sorry I thought you was a woman"!!!

    NOOOOOOOOOOO ! That was you?!?! What was you doing on the motorway in fishnets? lol

  • misguided
    only it might have somehow got me into trouble.

    It seems like every time I tried to help someone it became a case for something other than what it really was.

    Honestly, It feels like I could not help someone without being accused of some sort of immorality being my motive!

    I'm so glad to have got out of that insanity!


  • ballistic

    Oh I see now. I was quite laid back about things like that. I even hitch hiked once and got picked up by a complete weirdo. But come to think of it I did get into trouble with the elders over something that was nothing in a hotel.

  • blindersoff

    Yes. Happened to us. My wife and I not only stopped, but took her flat spare to Gonzales to get it fixed then took her back to her car. We considered it very important to help people if we could.


  • Finally-Free

    Ok, either I'm the only honest person in this thread or I'm the only jerk - I beginning to suspect it's the latter. As a JW I would not have helped. I had the attitude that "worldly" people were all going to die at armageddon anyway, so why bother helping them? There were more important things to do!!! "As manure on the surface of the ground they will become"(Jer 25:33) was my motto.

    I'm glad I'm not like that any more.


  • stillajwexelder

    Yes I would (and I would have counted my time for it also if out on the ministry at the the time)

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Hell yes! I would have stopped even as a JW.

    Although my conscience does bother me regarding an incident I witnessed one time. It was late and I was drunk driving home from god knows where. I was getting ready to make a left onto the local interstat when I saw a car veering out of controll accross the street. It's lights were out and there was a female driver behind the wheel obviously unconscious. I should have stopped as I was sober enough to know that something terrible was happening before my eyes. I drove on because I was scared about the trouble that I would be in regarding my own soberiaty

    That poor woman was in desperate need of help and I turned my back out of fear. I dont live out of fear any more. I have stopped several times to help motorists that seemed to be in trouble since. I will make up for my lack of courage some day.

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