by Mary 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    However, this would have a devastating effect on them to the point where some would probably give up on living. Thank god I woke up early enough so at least my family and I can live a normal life away from this thought controlling cult.

    My thoughts exactly........I just wish I had've realized 20 years ago that it was a frigging cult instead of "the Truth"..........my life would've been totally different..........

  • Elsewhere

    Do You Have Freeness of Speech?
    I use LOTS of Freeness of Speech, but the WTS shut down my website for it.

  • AuldSoul
    Sooooo......we shouldn't be too preoccupied with the future now eh? Instead, we should maybe focus a little bit more on the present? Gee, doesn't this fly in the face of past counselling that we've been given not to be preoccupied with the present day?

    [tongue in cheek]


    I think you are misunderstanding the overall counsel.

    In a nutshell, JWs should (1) think about the present, but feel guilty about not considering the past and focusing on the future when they do, (2) think about the past, but feel guilty about not thinking about the present and focusing on the future when they do, and (3) focus intently on the future, but feel guilty about not considering the past and thinking about present when they do.

    To sum up, no matter what a JW thinks about there is a Watchtower article somewhere that will call it wrong thinking, and they should feel guilty about it. After all, they aren't just failing themselves, they are failing the Faithful and Discreet Slave, Jesus (whom they can't interact with anyway), Jehovah, the "whole association of brothers" earthwide, and all those who have died faithful.

    Good thing Jesus' load is so light, eh?

    [removes tongue from cheek]


  • Mary

    Aaahhhh......thanks AuldSoul for showing me The Way.......I realize now that I was not fully appreciating the New Light set forth by the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class in discerning the article, which of course, is food dispensed at the proper time. How important it is for us to meditate on these healthy words instead of becoming like some in the first century congregation who developed a complaining manner.

    If anyone believes the above statement made by me, I've got some swamp land in Florida to sell you.

  • uriah

    What exactly are these spiritual blessings? I have tried to enumerate them to see if I could. I could not come up with a single 'Blessing'. In reality, they are psuedo-blessings that have no shape or form and they reside in our imagination. It is rather like the emporers new clothes, everyone talks about the bountious blessings but no-one can actually say what they are. Were you to ask they might say the books, the bible truths, the brotherhood, but these are not blessings because they are common place in any JW type organisation. To compensate for this lack of tangible blessings, anything 'good' that happens is called a blessing. Start a study and it becomes fine blessing. Get a number 1 talk 'Oh he's been blessed with a No 1 talk' The WT adds to this subterfuge and makes JW's look for blessings when none are there AND if the can't find one then their standing with God is brought into question. I read this in a WT a few months ago, words to the effect that if you cannot think of any blessing that has occured recently, then look to yourself and your relationship with God. Someone out there might remember it. The 'brotherhood' only exists at the kingdom hall. When you go home, the warm fuzzy feeling you might have got soon cools off and you realise that you are alone again. The elders & MS's are only elders & MS's at the hall. Elsewhere they are nothing. The whole thing is based on no-one stating the obvious on pain of expulsion for destroying the illusion. 1984 really sums it up.

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