by Mary 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    This is just unreal.......I cannot believe they have the nerve to actually put this stuff into print, but here's the proof that there's no limit to their insanity-----or their hypocrisy:

    Page 26: "..A preoccupation with the future...prevents us from seeing the present as it is" noted one American philospher.......Even Jehovah's worshippers are not immune tot his pattern of thinking. (gee, I can't imagine why) Consider what can happen. We long for the fulfillment of God's promise to bring about a paradise on earth. We eagerly await a life free of sickness, old age, pain and suffering. While it is good to be in expectation of such things, what if we become so preoccupied with future physical blessings that we are blind to our present-day spiritual blessings?........We could easily become discouraged and feel 'sick at heart because our expectations have been post-poned beyond what we imagined (or, what we were promised)........we could develop a complaining attitude. (ya think?)

    Sooooo......we shouldn't be too preoccupied with the future now eh? Instead, we should maybe focus a little bit more on the present? Gee, doesn't this fly in the face of past counselling that we've been given not to be preoccupied with the present day?

    *** km 6/02 p. 4 Be Content With What You Have ***At this crucial hour, it would be disastrous for any of us to become so preoccupied with secular employment or financial concerns that we relegate spiritual activities—meetings, study, and service—to a secondary place in our lives.


    km 4/94 p. 3 Serve Jehovah Without Distraction ***. Remember the people of Noah’s day. They were so preoccupied with social affairs, eating and drinking, marrying and getting their children married, that they took no note of Noah’s warning message about the impending Deluge. Before they realized it, the Flood came and swept them all away


    km 4/94 p. 4 Serve Jehovah Without Distraction ***Time-Consuming Side Issues: Some have got caught up in efforts to resolve common problems in modern society. Christians need to avoid becoming involved in the world’s endless debates over social issues or its futile struggles to correct injustices. (John 17:16) All of this is part of Satan’s design to divert attention from the Bible’s counsel and the fundamental fact that there is only one long-term solution—the Kingdom of God. If we have suffered a personal injury or injustice, we must guard against becoming vindictive or so emotionally distraught that we forget who we are—Witnesses of Jehovah

    But then on page 13, the title is: Do You Have Freeness of Speech? I've only selected a few quotes, but the jest of it is, that they think Freeness of Speech is wonderful-----as long as you're a Company man.......

    "....the Greek term for the expression "freeness of speech" denotes "freedom of speech unreservedness of utterance....the absence of fear in speaking boldly; hence, confidence..........Is freeness of speech our inherent right?........rather than being a priviledge we are innately entitled to, freeness of speech stems from our relationship with Jehovah God based on faith in Christ Jesus..........this freeness enables those with spiritual qualifications to 'readjust their brother' before a problem escalates.......freeness of speech is certaily vital when counsel is to be given........

    But really, Witnesses have no freeness of speech, as we've seen from countless ones on this board who try to use this Right and question some of the WTS teachings.....the latest victim, is Richie Rich, who's getting his ass hauled before a Judical Committee, for no other reason that wanting to express his Freeness of Speech..........and as the quotes below prove, the WTS has no intention of ever letting the R&F enjoy Freeness of Speech:

    *** w89 9/15 p. 23 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***a spirit of independent thinking does not prevail in God’s organization, and we have sound reasons for confidence in the men taking the lead among us.


    w83 1/15 p. 22 Exposing the Devil’s Subtle Designs *** How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God’s visible organization.


    w83 1/15 p. 27 Armed for the Fight Against Wicked Spirits ***Really, can we get along without the direction of God’s organization?" No, we cannot!—

    But on the other hand, the quote below might be one of the few things they've ever written that's actually true:


    w57 8/1 p. 469 Will You Get to Live on Earth Forever? *** Moreover, people today are developing an aversion to thinking.....Their thinking must be channeled for them, ready-made by propagandists. This suits Satan’s purpose. He deluges the mass mind with anything and everything but God’s truth......It is tailor-made thinking, and the tailor of it is the Devil. Minds work, but in the way that a horse is led. Independent thinking is difficult, unpopular and even suspect. Thought conformity is the order of our day. To seek solitude for meditation is frowned upon as antisocial and neurotic.


    w58 8/1 p. 460 Dawns a New Era for the Irish *** Fear has a great hold on the people. People are afraid of what their neighbors, their friends, relatives and clergy might think if they were even so much as to read the Bible on their own. For centuries the clergy have dominated their lives, told them what they can read, what they should believe and do. To ask a sound religious question is a demonstration of lack of faith in God and the church, according to the clergy. As a result, the Irish people do very little independent thinking. They are victims of the clergy and fear; but freedom is in sight.
  • KW13

    Yeh, your right mary. No freedom of speech. In this day and age i DEMAND and EXPECT the ability to say what i want and ask what i want!

    They have to rule with an iron first or folks will walk.

  • tan

    I do appreciate reading your questions and responses. You are so thorough.

  • littlerockguy

    Mary: Im with you!! When I read this sh!t now coming out of Brooklyn it just makes my blood boil! Do they really think people dont remember all their "Armageddon's around the corner so dont make longterm arrangements to live in this system?" Reading their own litterature like that is enough to strengthen my resolve to never set foot in another KH. I dont need any "apostate's information" to see what frauds they are.

  • Gill

    '.....sick at heart because their expectations have been delayed...' and delayed and delayed and delayed......

    Sounds like a lot of JWs I know. How many are on anti depressants and anti anxiety meds and just 'sick' of it all. If not, they're hitting the bottle to get by.

    I was surprised to learn a few years ago from my cousin's wife, (sister self-righteous), by the way they have no children, and NO money problems, that they get through a couple of bottles of wine EACH evening just to be able to relax, they're so stressed!

    Poor JWs, and NOW they're not meant to become preoccupied to sort out their futures either.

    More WTBTS BS!

  • vitty

    They always talk out of both sides of their mouths. It to cover their butts.

    They always blame the sheep, this article just reinforces their postion, where they can holds their hands up and say "We didnt tell you to waste your lifes, waiting for the new system, you did that yourselves"

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    In response to Gills comments, I remember just a few years back that it seemed strange that the CO's wife would rarely come to the meetings. Also her hubby was extremely forgetful. One day I had to pick him up from his (free) apartment at the KH to take him to the Circuit Assembly. He was acting very strange, all over the place: couldn't find his keys to lock up, then realised he had forgotten something else and was not acting how you would expect a 'normal' CO to act.

    Anyhow it turns out that both of them were alcoholics - I mean REAL BAD alocholics. He was forced to step down.

  • mouthy

    Well what do you expect ? with stuff like that it drives you to drink.... Thanks Mary((((HUG))

  • Scully
    *** w58 8/1 p. 460 Dawns a New Era for the Irish *** Fear has a great hold on the people. People are afraid of what their neighbors, their friends, relatives and clergy might think if they were even so much as to read the Bible on their own. For centuries the clergy have dominated their lives, told them what they can read, what they should believe and do. To ask a sound religious question is a demonstration of lack of faith in God and the church, according to the clergy. As a result, the Irish people do very little independent thinking. They are victims of the clergy and fear; but freedom is in sight.

    Oh my. Now the Irish are going to be ticked off too!

  • Mary
    Do they really think people dont remember all their "Armageddon's around the corner so dont make longterm arrangements to live in this system?"

    Yes, but if the R&F bring that up, they'll be veiled comments made like "...are you questioning/criticizing Jehovah's Organization?"

    That's their response to everything. I was just totally stunned when I read this article telling the R&F not to become "preoccupied" with the future-----maybe because the assholes at Crooklyn know that Armageddon is nowhere in sight..........

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