Need Some Help Understanding

by Broken Hearted 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • defective light
    defective light

    so I am having to deal with the fact that A man says he loves me but can't be with me because I believe my way and not his.

    Hmmm......his way or the highway....huh? .....sounds like a no brainer to me......

    "The road goes on forever....and the party never ends!"........(just my humble opinion)

  • LaCatolica

    Hey Broken Hearted!!

    I'm sorry you're in this situation. I know exactly what you are feeling and it's not a good feeling. Unlike you though, I got involved with my now husband without knowing that he and his whole family were JWs. When I found out it was too late. I was already engaged and involved and carrying his child. My husband has been disfellowshipped, but still acts as if he is being watched and judged b/c his mother is constantly on him about things. He does things that are not seen as "right" by the organization, and tries to please his mother. Trust me, she was not a happy camper with she found out I was not JW. I've gone through a lot of stress and I don't recommend it to anyone. It's easy with my husband b/c he is a bit more open minded than his family...he has been fading slowly and has grown his OWN mind. I have to deal with his mother and she is a tough one!

    My advice to you is to make sure you become educated on these people and learn all you can. They will try to tell you that you're wrong and that what you believe is wrong. You have to be equipped with the right tools verbally to respond to their offensive comments. I've learned little by little and I have a lot more to go. This is why I"m here, b/c I need help still. '

    I know that once you're in love with the person it's hard to let go. I love my husband and he loves me. We live our lives the way we want and that's organization, no judgements, and no lies. WE've been thrown hurdles but we've overcome them. It can be done, but with lots of determination.

    Had I known he was JW before I got involved...I probably would've thought twice about getting my feelings involved. HE DIDN'T THINK IT WAS IMPORTANT B/C HE HAD ALREADY BEEN D'FSHIPPED...SO IT DIDN'T MATTER TO HIM.

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