Who's getting rich at WTBTS?

by fish 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • candidlynuts

    where else can simple tradesmen find that kind of power?

  • gumby

    Gary made some good points.

    The Watchtower has always used the scripture..."the little one will become a mighty nation"...and....."in the final part of the days, people will STREAM to the mountain of Jehovah"

    They have this idea that "growth" is a sign of gods blessing and his way of getting the Good News spread to the world.........so they build and expand and invest. The problem is...it's their "fixed assets" that are now growing monitarily, ....not the number of members as the scriptures they use indicate would happen. They are drying up( member wise) as they said would happen to christendom who is flourishing compared to them.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I used to find it really hard to believe that the WTS is a money making machine. And I was stunned when I saw the proofs. Browse through some of the threads in The Best of... WTS Finances. It was a real eye-opener for me.

    I remember years ago when I was touring Bethel in NY, Watchtower Farms and Georgetown (Canada). We always asked if we could see the president's or branch overseer's room. We were always told those rooms were not on the tour. And we just accepted it. But there have been many here who have seen those rooms and they are certainly not the average Behtel worker's room.

    Over the years the people in charge at WT headquarters have been able to connect with many different groups that shocked the heck out of me and I'm sure other people as well. Many of the people on this forum have been pretty good at finding the political, and finacial connections of the WTS. They do so much that few JW would ever find out about. And many loyal JWs would pass many of this things that have been found out as lies by apostates. The thing though, is that we don't even have to lie. While the WTS has been pretty good at hiding many things there are some things like taxation records (some of which are in the link above) they cannot keep hidden.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I was at Bethel for over a decade. I saw how the $$$ was used. Let us not forget the GB really think they are/represent the faithful and discreet slave - they sincerely believe that ... somehow their conscience won't let them misuse the widows mite as it were. I wish their consience was better tunned though.

    After the Branch Comm took over the management of the US Bethel they really hit the departments hard in regards to wasting money. Everything started to get streamlined after that, we are talking since 2000.

    After morning worship they would give talks on saving electricty, saving water, etc etc.

    Their mindset is ONLY the WORLDWIDE WORK. That is it, nothing else. Publish Publish Publish books books books mags mags mags # # #. They don't give a damm if a widow or an orphan is in need. They will print so many publications that eventually will be thrown out, but the widow and the the orphan will be in want. What a sin! Thanks Russell!!! Thank you for that legacy of your priting empire.

    The GB and the higher ups don't own brand new cars but they have a stash of cars for society use ... as was said, airport runs, etc. And of course hotels.

    BUT REMEMBER... the leader of the Watchtower is Ted Jaracz. And Ted Jaracz IS NOT A SPENDER!!! He is very picky about spending the widows mite.

  • blondie

    Who gets rich at the WTS?

    The rank and file business people who

    1) Hire JWs, especially pioneers, at lower wages they would never pay a non-JW

    2) Who tell their employees they have paid into social security and withdrawn their taxes from the paychecks but have pocketed the money

    3) Who get materials and services from JW suppliers under the going rate from "worldly" businesses

    4) Who do shoddy work but cannot be sued by their JW customers

    5) Who sell products and services when building KHs and Assembly Halls cutting out non-JW businesses and even other JWs

    6) Who use non union people

    7) who do not cover sufficient injury on the job insurance

    They are the ones that grease the palms of the COs, DOs, Bethelites, and GB members they happen to meet.


  • Gary1914

    Their mindset is ONLY the WORLDWIDE WORK. That is it, nothing else. Publish Publish Publish books books books mags mags mags # # #.

    I believe that these publications are an investment. They are distributed to the witnesses and the public, but they are not given away for free. A contribution is encourgaged when the witness picks up his publications and when they are placed in the ministry a contribution is encouraged from the household, which the brothers are encouraged to turn over to the watchtower.

    So the Worldwide Work generates an income. It is all money driven and they are no better than the funamentalist religions we see on television. Money is the be all and the end all and it is always couched in spiritual terms to make it seem as if it comes from God. It doesn't. It comes from greed and ultimate power.

  • gumby
    It is all money driven and they are no better than the funamentalist religions we see on television. Money is the be all and the end all and it is always couched in spiritual terms to make it seem as if it comes from God. It doesn't. It comes from greed and ultimate power.

    Good point again Gary.....and let us not forget that the WTBTS proved this to be true when they went from solicitors to donation salsemen because of taxation problems such as when Jimmy Swagert opened up a can of woopass for theological swindlers.

    They speak out of one side of their mouth saying you recieved freely....give freely, yet nothing they do is "freely".


  • What-A-Coincidence

    while at Bethel they would tell us to contribute for the books that we took ... i am like, damm, you gotta be kidding ... with our stipen? Hell no.

    The said that our mindset should not be that the "publishers" should cover the pubs we take.

    even the GB contribute for the publications they take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gumby

    even the GB contribute for the publications they take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The GB also get money handed to them by brownosing brothers who believe that "doing good to christs brothers is like doing it to him".........and bethelites don't get squat other then their 30 bucks a month salary for their fulltime work..... and whatever kindness their dub family back home sends them.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    very true gumbo ... i had many green hand shakes :-)

    i believe the stipen now is $113 /month. obviously never enough.

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