If you didn't go to the Memorial last night, what did you do?

by Victorian sky 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jeeprube

    I aced a Math test, sat through a boring English lecture, drank a little wine, and watched Lost.

  • tijkmo

    i had a gig....rocked the kasbar

  • Balsam

    Worked out in the sunshine weeding my lovely yard. It was beautiful out and a nice breeze until about 7:30 when I stopped to go in. It felt so much better and more important that all those years sitting in a KH believing that some man died for us and was resurrected for me. To be free of that mindset is so liberating.

  • upside/down

    u/d ROFLMAO!!!! (I just finished posting on that thread...)
    didn't think anyone would catch that.....hehehehe... u/d


    LOST, baby!

  • skeeter1

    Maker's Mark and skimmed through my old copy of "Crisis of Conscience"

  • Berean

    Had a great meal, watched TV, and drink massive quantities of vodka.

    OK, I just like saying "massive quantities of vodka!" I had some ... not enough to brag about. Uh ... by the way, does vodka count as wine on Memorial?

  • crazyblondeb

    My JW mom went to the memorial, mad at me and my sisters. Last night we took my daughter out for her 22nd birthday to Chili's. Ate, drank, and was merry!!! Mom, of course thought we should have all been with her. Didn't see that happening!! It was the most enjoyable memorial night I've ever had!!

  • Purza

    I didn't think about the memorial even once. We watched the Ice Harvest with John Cusack. It was okay. It was a dark comedy and had some entertainment value -- much more than the memorial would have had.


  • Quentin

    Perty much what everybody did, enjoyed the evening

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