In your family, how many of the grown up children are still in?

by els 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • AudeSapere

    1 in;

    1 inactive (only attends memorial - no holiday celebrations);

    3 out.

    5 kids total.


  • Confession

    I'm the youngest of four. Brother (53) and two sisters (51 and 44) as well as their spouses are all still in. It's lonely being the first. I take comfort in the belief that I will not be the last.

  • Emma

    Two in, one out. Not good for the 'poztate team just yet.

  • moanzy

    Out of 6 kids only 2 are out. Actually my WHOLE family is still friggin in. That means all the aunts and uncles and cousins- close to 30 family member.


  • oldflame

    I am the oldest of 7 and none of my siblings are involved and one was disfellowshipped

  • slacker911

    I am the only one that is out. Two brothers, both baptized, one is an MS. Mother is a pioneer and dad is trying to be an MS again...

    I used to be an MS and Pioneer...then I woke up...

    Sometimes it is tough, but they are the ones losing out.

  • free2beme

    I thought my sister was in, until recently when she confessed to leaving last October. So the answer would be none. My mother did try to convert her step-daughters, which never worked, and they are all out too. Although, they were never even close to being in. I think they attended one memorial one year and that was it.

  • nsrn

    Elderly faithful parents. Of the 3 of us, one in, but she has disabling mental illness. Of our 12 kids/grandkids, none in. Hmmmmm......

  • chok

    Out of 4 of us

    3 baptised

    3 out!

    I still in...he's the youngest, and still very much hooked by it all. I feel sorry for him even though he shuns me, he knows no better.



  • Hecklerboy

    2 older brothers and 1 older sister.

    Sister in still in and very active.

    Oldest brother hasn't gone to a meeting in over 10 years, but still considers self a witness.

    Other brother is studying and the brainwashing is setting in nicely.

    He used to be so fun to talk to about cars and motorcycles. Now he barely talks to me and just tells me that I need to come back to the meetings.

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